I know this is like to early for this ...but i'm very glad to share it with all of u ..strictly to those who already married k ..hehee...bride to be pun ok jugak sebab boleh plan ..haha...
About few hours ago ..my beloved hubby ask me to count my period cycle so we would know when is my fertile days ...look how excited he is wanting to be a dad huh ..ekeke...now here i am googling something for me to learn about my body cycle which i dont even bother last time ...and see what i have found ..
I think this website is really helpful for those who does not know how to predict your ovulation period or to know when is the best intercourse time in getting baby boy or girl .. sweet right..
Love to share it with you ;) ..
But remember this is merely a guidance okay ...
p/s: manusia hanya mampu merancang, Allah yang bisa menentukan
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
You'll find your way...
Last saturday, my lil brother Anas was asking me to buy him Maher Zain CD. I was surprised by his request coz it is not the kind of music he would love to listen to. Hehe. Since I think it was a very good investment for him, so I bought him the CD. All this while, my family always suggesting me to listen to Maher Zain and I know he's the current favourite singer nowadays but I did not bother to really listen to his songs. That day, Anas played his CD and I was so in love with his music. Very soothing to my ears. Even grandma loves it. One of the song that really catch my heart would be Insha Allah ...preferably because I really need something to relax me...and really need someone to say Insha Allah everything will be okay...hhee..
It just around the corner. Another 15 days ..rasenye macam baru semalam I tengok my countdown kat sebelah ni tulis lagi 30 hari..haihh...
I have distribute the cards. Alhamdulillah ..they love it. Setelah kami berpenat lelah memerah otak dan bertekak ...akhirnye tercetak juga wedding card according to our preference. Thank you sayang.
Since I've officially declared my wedding date, most colleagues I've met will ask "how's the preparation? Banyak lagi tak siap ke?" ...aku hanya mampu tersenyum dan membalas "Alhamdulillah ..everything was on track" . Cume Allah je yang tahu how worry and nervous I am , looking at the progress and plan that always changing. Everyday, I pray everything will be fine and semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan.
Kaki Abah sakit lagi. Kali ni lutut plak yang bengkak. Tapi Abah tetap nak drive kereta untuk hantar kad. Risau. Nasib baik Anas balik and bawak Abah pergi klinik. Alhamdulillah ..he's getting better.
Baju family and pengapit dah siap. Alhamdulillah. Sumenya okay. Cume baju kurung I need to alter a lil bit sebab besar. Atiq, my tailor, macam tak percaya so he measured me back. Rupe-rupenye dah turun 2 inch. Wuhuu..besstt. Tapi kawan-kawan semua bilang jangan kurus sangat Iema, nanti tak cantik. Hehee.
Last step in Nikah procedures before hari akad nikah is for me to fill up the form given by Jabatan Agama which comes together with my surat kebenaran bernikah. Once i've completed, Abah give all the forms and documents to the Kadhi back. Now, tunggu hari je.
Langsir rumah dah siap. Cantik! coz it's baby blue. Langsir my room pun dah siap. Thanks Mak Lang! Kesian Mak Lang...sampai bengkak kaki jahitkan langsir for the wedding.
Last 2 weeks, we pay a visit to Saleha catering to confirm the menu and last week Abah follow up with Melor Canopy, Cempuling and kompang. Left only doorgift tak follow up lagi.
I have booked Tanamera Spa for my spa leisure. Hee. I choose a'la carte instead of bridal package. I've decided to have two spa session before the wedding. First, Aromatherapy body massage and next would be their Bumi package which cover from head to toe together with manicure and pedicure. The price I pay not the same like what have been stated in the spa menu in the website coz they give me discount. Hehe. So, if you're interested with them jangan segan mintak discount tau. By the way, i'll have my spa at Pertama Kompleks since it is part of my daily route. So, i'm not sure whether cawangan lain boleh bagi discount like cawangan kat Pertama Kompleks or not.
Since last week cuti panjang skit, Pak Long and Cik Era datang rumah. Terasa meriah plus we've been doing the gubahan for hantaran. So we stayed up late sambil ibu-ibu bercerita nostalgia lama zaman muda-muda dulu. I loved those moments we had, every second of it.
Next, bunting and wedding direction on the way .... =)
It just around the corner. Another 15 days ..rasenye macam baru semalam I tengok my countdown kat sebelah ni tulis lagi 30 hari..haihh...
I have distribute the cards. Alhamdulillah ..they love it. Setelah kami berpenat lelah memerah otak dan bertekak ...akhirnye tercetak juga wedding card according to our preference. Thank you sayang.
Since I've officially declared my wedding date, most colleagues I've met will ask "how's the preparation? Banyak lagi tak siap ke?" ...aku hanya mampu tersenyum dan membalas "Alhamdulillah ..everything was on track" . Cume Allah je yang tahu how worry and nervous I am , looking at the progress and plan that always changing. Everyday, I pray everything will be fine and semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan.
Kaki Abah sakit lagi. Kali ni lutut plak yang bengkak. Tapi Abah tetap nak drive kereta untuk hantar kad. Risau. Nasib baik Anas balik and bawak Abah pergi klinik. Alhamdulillah ..he's getting better.
Baju family and pengapit dah siap. Alhamdulillah. Sumenya okay. Cume baju kurung I need to alter a lil bit sebab besar. Atiq, my tailor, macam tak percaya so he measured me back. Rupe-rupenye dah turun 2 inch. Wuhuu..besstt. Tapi kawan-kawan semua bilang jangan kurus sangat Iema, nanti tak cantik. Hehee.
Last step in Nikah procedures before hari akad nikah is for me to fill up the form given by Jabatan Agama which comes together with my surat kebenaran bernikah. Once i've completed, Abah give all the forms and documents to the Kadhi back. Now, tunggu hari je.
Langsir rumah dah siap. Cantik! coz it's baby blue. Langsir my room pun dah siap. Thanks Mak Lang! Kesian Mak Lang...sampai bengkak kaki jahitkan langsir for the wedding.
Last 2 weeks, we pay a visit to Saleha catering to confirm the menu and last week Abah follow up with Melor Canopy, Cempuling and kompang. Left only doorgift tak follow up lagi.
I have booked Tanamera Spa for my spa leisure. Hee. I choose a'la carte instead of bridal package. I've decided to have two spa session before the wedding. First, Aromatherapy body massage and next would be their Bumi package which cover from head to toe together with manicure and pedicure. The price I pay not the same like what have been stated in the spa menu in the website coz they give me discount. Hehe. So, if you're interested with them jangan segan mintak discount tau. By the way, i'll have my spa at Pertama Kompleks since it is part of my daily route. So, i'm not sure whether cawangan lain boleh bagi discount like cawangan kat Pertama Kompleks or not.
Since last week cuti panjang skit, Pak Long and Cik Era datang rumah. Terasa meriah plus we've been doing the gubahan for hantaran. So we stayed up late sambil ibu-ibu bercerita nostalgia lama zaman muda-muda dulu. I loved those moments we had, every second of it.
Next, bunting and wedding direction on the way .... =)
Monday, October 25, 2010
What a Great Weekend ....
After few weeks juggling with my wedding preparation ..last week I had my last outing with my frens; Alia, Zaidah, Suhana, Kay & Zue (I mean huha..huha outing before being a bride) ..we had dinner together, karaoke for 4 hours…sampai hilang suare guwe…sleep over at Suhaha’s house and it ends with a so called road trip to TPG the next day (this definitely for them la kan ..not me of coz) …happy ! sangat happy! ..thanks kawan-kawan ..
What makes me more happy… Nenek I dah sampai dari seberang ..welcome home Nenek! After about 5 or 6 years ..she come back to Malaysia with 2 cute baju tidur mickey mouse and hello kitty ..hehee..wedding gift from my auntie katenye ..thanks Nenek and Cik Uz ..
That Saturday , sampai je rumah, lepas salam and peluk cium with my nenek ..I terus jenguk bilik I …mama dah siap cat bilik …and it is nicely done …thanks Mama …terharu …Mama sangat berpenat lelah siapkan sume untuk saye …walaupun dah berkali cakap tak payah buat ..tapi tetap Mama nak buat …ye lah ..risaukan ..takut nanti tetiba tak sihat plak bile tiba hari Nikah ..”oh please Ya Allah ..berilah seluruh keluargaku dan kesayanganku kesihatan dan kesejahteraan di hari itu” …bilik dah siap cat ..tugas saya untuk kemas bilik plak ..barang-barang wedding yang bersepah-sepah saye dah susun cantik kat dalam bilik …tempat membuat deko hantaran pun dah beralih ke ruang atas …so ruang tamu dah tak semak lagi ngan barang-barang deko saye..heee
Oh lupe…hari tu jugak dengan rase tak sabanye saye dah pun bentangkan my wedding bedsheet yg sangat kontroversi itu dan berangan-angan how it’s gonna be nanti …Alia pun mula la memberi idea-idea bernas buat guwe macam mane nak deko bilik pengantin saye tu..hehee…
Borang Nikah dah submit pada Penolong Pendaftar Nikah (PPN) ! Alhamdulillah semua lancar..no interview pun ...hehe..cuma saksi and wali kene hadir masa nak submit borang ..so petang Sabtu tu , we went to PPN house. He checked all my borang to ensure I completely filled up , signed and terus buat Wakalah Wali since my dad will transfer the duty pada PPN untuk nikahkan saye. Next, we need to submit my borang to Pejabat Agama Daerah Kuala Langat in Sg. Manggis in order to have my 'Surat Kebenaran Bernikah' and Abah will do that for me. Ingatkan pergi rumah PPN semuanya dah settle ...ade step lagi rupenye. ;)
My family corsage dah siap …sangat best !!…credit to Huda for her idea’s …and with the help of Alia, Suhana and Zaida ribbon tu dah siap ..if not, sure I terkedek-kedek lagi buat ribbon tu kan ..now left ribbon penanggah untuk rumah my dear bumblebee..dah berangan-angan ni amek gamba with all family wearing those ribbon …really hopes it’s gonna turn out into printed picture…mesti mau inform Man about my angan-angan ni kan …and make sure Angah can give it to all kerabat to wear …
Wedding deko plak ..still in progress…Alhamdulillah…everything still under control ..even though I am so stress mencari ribbon yang sesuai untuk bunga dip …cik abang punye so far takde masalah sangat ..cume mine kene hold kejap …pening dengan pilihan warna sendiri …padanla muka kan …hahaha…
Last week, meeting Kak Awin at her house ditemani sahabat setiaku ..Alia and Zaida…hanta baju nikah for her to look for kain yang match untuk dibuat tudung…then I tempah another tudung with her also for resepsi di JB ..senang ..tak yah pening-pening kuar masuk kedai cari tudung yg sesuai ..lagi pun bile pikir balik , the cost would be about the same if nak beli kat Ariani kan …better tempah je …custom made makes it worth more…then malam hari tu terus amek dokoh and veil and also bantal nikah ..oh no! terasa hari makin dekat …the next day I terus transfer some of the balance to kak Awin and also deposit to Reza my OP..
Psstt...kak Awin dah bukak butik ...and it's called Najjah..sile lah singgah ye ...
More updates next ….baju family and pengapit dah siap !!
What makes me more happy… Nenek I dah sampai dari seberang ..welcome home Nenek! After about 5 or 6 years ..she come back to Malaysia with 2 cute baju tidur mickey mouse and hello kitty ..hehee..wedding gift from my auntie katenye ..thanks Nenek and Cik Uz ..
That Saturday , sampai je rumah, lepas salam and peluk cium with my nenek ..I terus jenguk bilik I …mama dah siap cat bilik …and it is nicely done …thanks Mama …terharu …Mama sangat berpenat lelah siapkan sume untuk saye …walaupun dah berkali cakap tak payah buat ..tapi tetap Mama nak buat …ye lah ..risaukan ..takut nanti tetiba tak sihat plak bile tiba hari Nikah ..”oh please Ya Allah ..berilah seluruh keluargaku dan kesayanganku kesihatan dan kesejahteraan di hari itu” …bilik dah siap cat ..tugas saya untuk kemas bilik plak ..barang-barang wedding yang bersepah-sepah saye dah susun cantik kat dalam bilik …tempat membuat deko hantaran pun dah beralih ke ruang atas …so ruang tamu dah tak semak lagi ngan barang-barang deko saye..heee
Oh lupe…hari tu jugak dengan rase tak sabanye saye dah pun bentangkan my wedding bedsheet yg sangat kontroversi itu dan berangan-angan how it’s gonna be nanti …Alia pun mula la memberi idea-idea bernas buat guwe macam mane nak deko bilik pengantin saye tu..hehee…
Borang Nikah dah submit pada Penolong Pendaftar Nikah (PPN) ! Alhamdulillah semua lancar..no interview pun ...hehe..cuma saksi and wali kene hadir masa nak submit borang ..so petang Sabtu tu , we went to PPN house. He checked all my borang to ensure I completely filled up , signed and terus buat Wakalah Wali since my dad will transfer the duty pada PPN untuk nikahkan saye. Next, we need to submit my borang to Pejabat Agama Daerah Kuala Langat in Sg. Manggis in order to have my 'Surat Kebenaran Bernikah' and Abah will do that for me. Ingatkan pergi rumah PPN semuanya dah settle ...ade step lagi rupenye. ;)
My family corsage dah siap …sangat best !!…credit to Huda for her idea’s …and with the help of Alia, Suhana and Zaida ribbon tu dah siap ..if not, sure I terkedek-kedek lagi buat ribbon tu kan ..now left ribbon penanggah untuk rumah my dear bumblebee..dah berangan-angan ni amek gamba with all family wearing those ribbon …really hopes it’s gonna turn out into printed picture…mesti mau inform Man about my angan-angan ni kan …and make sure Angah can give it to all kerabat to wear …
Wedding deko plak ..still in progress…Alhamdulillah…everything still under control ..even though I am so stress mencari ribbon yang sesuai untuk bunga dip …cik abang punye so far takde masalah sangat ..cume mine kene hold kejap …pening dengan pilihan warna sendiri …padanla muka kan …hahaha…
Last week, meeting Kak Awin at her house ditemani sahabat setiaku ..Alia and Zaida…hanta baju nikah for her to look for kain yang match untuk dibuat tudung…then I tempah another tudung with her also for resepsi di JB ..senang ..tak yah pening-pening kuar masuk kedai cari tudung yg sesuai ..lagi pun bile pikir balik , the cost would be about the same if nak beli kat Ariani kan …better tempah je …custom made makes it worth more…then malam hari tu terus amek dokoh and veil and also bantal nikah ..oh no! terasa hari makin dekat …the next day I terus transfer some of the balance to kak Awin and also deposit to Reza my OP..
Psstt...kak Awin dah bukak butik ...and it's called Najjah..sile lah singgah ye ...
More updates next ….baju family and pengapit dah siap !!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Card siap ! Deko for hantaran on the go...and sponsorship comes my way ...
Yes..keje tampal menampal inlet kad pada kad sudah siap! mekacih Yana, Alang & Sis Noli for help me out ...now it's time to finalize the guest list ...keje hanta menghantar will be done after my Nikah registration complete...
Oh ya...my wedding camp has started. Starting from last weekend , orang kuat for my wedding sudah berkampung di rumah saye di TPG ...
On Saturday, we off to Nilai again sebab white tray saye tak cukup lagi 2 and dah puas cari di KL tapi takde seperti yang dikehendaki ...boleh kan ..pergi ke Nilai semata-mata nak tray yang same ...hehe...then Mama beli hook sebab Mama teringin sangat nak hook yang same macam I beli as cenderahati untuk keluarga encek tunang ...tapi Mama punye hook of coz lagi besar la kan ....
After lunch terus balik rumah ...and we started working out membuat bunga dip for my hantaran ...since kami buat untuk encek tunang jugak so bunga dip yang perlu di buat sangat byk ....it's fun coz i had the chance to learn how to do bunga dip ...and surprisingly i enjoy do it ...mula-mula memang kekok..tapi lame-lame okay ...one thing i'm a bit upset sebab warna bunga dip yang I pilih tak nampak menyerlah bile letak pada barang hantaran ...so this week, i've got to find right color ....al-maklum la first time buat and pilih color for bunga dip and i do not know how the bunga gonna turn out ....
For your info, dip color has two type. One with pearl series and the other one yang basic color. Last time I beli yang pearl series punya ...and the color very slow...its look like color glass ...not like what i've imagine how it's gonna turn out to be ...color die tak pekat sangat ...mesti tak paham kan ape I cakap ..nanti la ..I amek gamba then post it here next week k ...
Last week jugak, i received two good news ... my kezen Madina and Kak Nina are planning to follow me bertandang ke JB nanti ...i'm surprise and happy ...then Sis Noli pun ade bagi tau jugak Abang Farid will follow to bring Mak Lang and famili ...dah 3 kete ni .....hehee...still waiting sape lagi will be on the list untuk turun ke JB nanti ....the more the merrier ..btol tak awak ? =)
Second good news i've got sponsorship for my dulang hantaran .. Alhamdulillah ... Cik Era will give manisan .. Kak Nina will sponsor buah-buahan ... and Abang Farid will sponsor sirih junjung ....mekacih sume !! ade lagi satu dulang ni ...ade sape-sape lagi nak sponsor tak ?? =p
Oh ya...my wedding camp has started. Starting from last weekend , orang kuat for my wedding sudah berkampung di rumah saye di TPG ...
On Saturday, we off to Nilai again sebab white tray saye tak cukup lagi 2 and dah puas cari di KL tapi takde seperti yang dikehendaki ...boleh kan ..pergi ke Nilai semata-mata nak tray yang same ...hehe...then Mama beli hook sebab Mama teringin sangat nak hook yang same macam I beli as cenderahati untuk keluarga encek tunang ...tapi Mama punye hook of coz lagi besar la kan ....
After lunch terus balik rumah ...and we started working out membuat bunga dip for my hantaran ...since kami buat untuk encek tunang jugak so bunga dip yang perlu di buat sangat byk ....it's fun coz i had the chance to learn how to do bunga dip ...and surprisingly i enjoy do it ...mula-mula memang kekok..tapi lame-lame okay ...one thing i'm a bit upset sebab warna bunga dip yang I pilih tak nampak menyerlah bile letak pada barang hantaran ...so this week, i've got to find right color ....al-maklum la first time buat and pilih color for bunga dip and i do not know how the bunga gonna turn out ....
For your info, dip color has two type. One with pearl series and the other one yang basic color. Last time I beli yang pearl series punya ...and the color very slow...its look like color glass ...not like what i've imagine how it's gonna turn out to be ...color die tak pekat sangat ...mesti tak paham kan ape I cakap ..nanti la ..I amek gamba then post it here next week k ...
Last week jugak, i received two good news ... my kezen Madina and Kak Nina are planning to follow me bertandang ke JB nanti ...i'm surprise and happy ...then Sis Noli pun ade bagi tau jugak Abang Farid will follow to bring Mak Lang and famili ...dah 3 kete ni .....hehee...still waiting sape lagi will be on the list untuk turun ke JB nanti ....the more the merrier ..btol tak awak ? =)
Second good news i've got sponsorship for my dulang hantaran .. Alhamdulillah ... Cik Era will give manisan .. Kak Nina will sponsor buah-buahan ... and Abang Farid will sponsor sirih junjung ....mekacih sume !! ade lagi satu dulang ni ...ade sape-sape lagi nak sponsor tak ?? =p
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Weekly Updates ...Card, Banner and My OP...
Oh..oh..angka satu dah muncul ..it's about a month ++ ....huwaaa!! and yeaayyy!! haha...gile
Huwaa....one after another issues muncul dalam wedding diary I ni ..haiyaa...nasib baik la bole settle walaupun bridezilla mode is always love to turn on without i'm ever ask ..
Yeayyy...it almost near...cepatla jadi mrs.bumblebee....hehee
I hope I can updates the progress every week InsyaAllah ...
Btw...updates for last week ....
Remember, in my last entry i said i'm having problem with the OP for the wedding ....hehee..here's the story ..
Kisahnye bermula when my kezen told me that he had to pass the job to his friend....haiyoo..guwe sudah risau ..what !! orang lain ...adushhh...confirm and definitely it's not going to be the same...
first - i never see that person's job ...
second - the price would not be the same ...
and last but for me very important - do we have the chemistry ...
I told my kezen i want to meet his friend ..kalau boleh plus his sample album ..so i can have a glimpse of how it's gonna be kan ...besides i also seek around if ade mane-mane photographer yang available and within my budget ...which very hard to find ...end up i finally meet up with my kezen's friend last thursday ...he's a freelance and he's definitely available during those days...sebab bile I survey for quotation from other OP sumenye pending on availability ...that's what makes me agreed to hire him ..lagi pun orangnye okay ..nampak cam leh ngam je ...and satu perkara yang paling okay my kezen will be team up with him ...Alhamdulillah ..lega ...as long as he'll be in charge with the photography ..i'm okay with it ...but of course price ade up la skit kan .....consider deal sbb ade 2 photographer in charge and they have plan something special for me ..heee..and they will do full coverage from the day of my solemnization till the day of majlis bertandang di JB ....selesai 1 masalah ...
Next, my wedding card is here !! Just received it last Friday ..sangat laju itu Pos Laju ...Adri who is kezen to my cik abang courier it on Thursday and i received it on Friday morning with 3 boxes .. front cover, inlet and sampul nye skali ... it is so nice ...thanks sayang ....kerana terlampau berat dan I tak mampu nak memikulnye bawak balik ngan tulang 4 kerat ni, I've ask abah to help me to pick it up from my office on Saturday ...so kerja saya sepanjang weekend lepas adalah menampal inlet to the wedding card ...al-maklum la print sendiri kan ...heee...oh ya! we've got extra 50 cards from what i've order ..okay la tu kan ...so far ada la jugak few yang cacat and kene reject ...tu tak termasuk salah tampal akibat dari kemengantukan yang melampau lagi ...heheee
Last but not least, we've done our photo shoot for the banner ...lokasi ..Taman Tasik Perdana ..it is such a very nice place to have photos ...dah lame berangan nak amek gamba kat sini ..hehee...akhirnya termakbul juga ...walaupun ade sedikit dispute between us ...heh...he also have come up with a design for the banner and my parents has agreed to it ...it just need some text adjustment to be done ...then boleh print out ...
Owh yaa..he came down to KL for raya with Adri and Riya ...and I've received his kebenaran bernikah already ..all supporting document sudah complete ...waiting for the time to be submit.....Alhamdulillah ....
Huwaa....one after another issues muncul dalam wedding diary I ni ..haiyaa...nasib baik la bole settle walaupun bridezilla mode is always love to turn on without i'm ever ask ..
Yeayyy...it almost near...cepatla jadi mrs.bumblebee....hehee
I hope I can updates the progress every week InsyaAllah ...
Btw...updates for last week ....
Remember, in my last entry i said i'm having problem with the OP for the wedding ....hehee..here's the story ..
Kisahnye bermula when my kezen told me that he had to pass the job to his friend....haiyoo..guwe sudah risau ..what !! orang lain ...adushhh...confirm and definitely it's not going to be the same...
first - i never see that person's job ...
second - the price would not be the same ...
and last but for me very important - do we have the chemistry ...
I told my kezen i want to meet his friend ..kalau boleh plus his sample album ..so i can have a glimpse of how it's gonna be kan ...besides i also seek around if ade mane-mane photographer yang available and within my budget ...which very hard to find ...end up i finally meet up with my kezen's friend last thursday ...he's a freelance and he's definitely available during those days...sebab bile I survey for quotation from other OP sumenye pending on availability ...that's what makes me agreed to hire him ..lagi pun orangnye okay ..nampak cam leh ngam je ...and satu perkara yang paling okay my kezen will be team up with him ...Alhamdulillah ..lega ...as long as he'll be in charge with the photography ..i'm okay with it ...but of course price ade up la skit kan .....consider deal sbb ade 2 photographer in charge and they have plan something special for me ..heee..and they will do full coverage from the day of my solemnization till the day of majlis bertandang di JB ....selesai 1 masalah ...
Next, my wedding card is here !! Just received it last Friday ..sangat laju itu Pos Laju ...Adri who is kezen to my cik abang courier it on Thursday and i received it on Friday morning with 3 boxes .. front cover, inlet and sampul nye skali ... it is so nice ...thanks sayang ....kerana terlampau berat dan I tak mampu nak memikulnye bawak balik ngan tulang 4 kerat ni, I've ask abah to help me to pick it up from my office on Saturday ...so kerja saya sepanjang weekend lepas adalah menampal inlet to the wedding card ...al-maklum la print sendiri kan ...heee...oh ya! we've got extra 50 cards from what i've order ..okay la tu kan ...so far ada la jugak few yang cacat and kene reject ...tu tak termasuk salah tampal akibat dari kemengantukan yang melampau lagi ...heheee
Last but not least, we've done our photo shoot for the banner ...lokasi ..Taman Tasik Perdana ..it is such a very nice place to have photos ...dah lame berangan nak amek gamba kat sini ..hehee...akhirnya termakbul juga ...walaupun ade sedikit dispute between us ...heh...he also have come up with a design for the banner and my parents has agreed to it ...it just need some text adjustment to be done ...then boleh print out ...
Owh yaa..he came down to KL for raya with Adri and Riya ...and I've received his kebenaran bernikah already ..all supporting document sudah complete ...waiting for the time to be submit.....Alhamdulillah ....
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Almost Done!
All the procedures for Nikah is almost done...
Now..i'm one step closer to complete all checklist need to be done...like i've mentioned before i'll settle some of it during raya kan ...Alhamdulillah ..plan berjalan dengan lancar...but i'll story in details step by step once it is complete okay...yang penting I already booked Tok Kadhi punye time untuk submit borang2 yang diperlukan and also all saksi for the submission...I even pergi rumah Tok Kadhi and ask him which details i'm not sure to fill up with one by one..sangat bersabar betul Tok Kadhi tu kan ..heheee..
My HIV test done today! Macam mimpi sebab dalam sekelip mata je dah siap ...hehee ..tipu la tu kan ...what i mean it only takes about 15 mins camtu to complete....
I've done my HIV test at Klinik Kesihatan Pantai. Luckily my cousin's wife was working there and of course it is so near to my office la kan. So time raya hari tu she brought all the forms required and passed it to me. Then, I passed back to her once I came back to the office for her to arrange the appointment with doctor.
So, today is the day @ 2.30 we meet up and she straight away brought me to the clinic and do the test. Tak ramai orang pun time tu. She said her clinic only accomodate about 10 HIV test a day. Once i've done the test , she brought the form to the doctor and tadaaa!...it's done! Tak payah jumpe doktor pun. Hehee...padahal i punya la risau if tetibe doktor will do some kind of interview ke...rupa-rupanya tak payah pun. Alhamdulillah..selamat...fees?? No fees being charged.
Kami sempat pergi Nilai 3 last Friday. Mentang-mentang cuti panjang kan . Macam biasa la ..from one store to another looking for something worth to buy and seperti diidam-idamkan ..hehee...Akhirnya kami sampai kat kedai Buy 1 Free 1..
Sebenarnya, I sker white tray for my hantaran and it is so expensive. Roughly dalam RM30 each. Tak mampu guwe...but the last store i masuk they were done some kind of opening promotion. Almost semua barang-barang dalam kedai tu buy 1 free 1 including the white tray which i can get about RM20 each...yeay! A price which I agreed to pay for. Even encek tunang punye pun i beli white jugak but lain design. Cume ade skit tak sempurna like cat pada kayu or besi tray dah sedikit tertanggal ...but they are so kind to spray them back. Sebab I borong banyak kut ...about 14 tray altogether. I know i should buy 16 la kan sebab 7 balas 9 tapi i overlook that ...dah tersalah kira...adoiii...so terpaksa la cari kat KL lagi 2 tray tu and sure mahal punya la...dah rezekinya macam tu ..I terima je ...heee...Besides all those trays..i beli uncang telur, tempat bunga telur and bunga manggar yg dah siap ..tinggal nak cucuk je...
After Nilai 3, we off to Shah Alam looking for bahan-bahan untuk buat bunga dip ..name kedai tak ingat la ..tapi dia dekat ngan mydin ..my kezen memang selalu beli barang-barang untuk deko hantaran ngan dia....so its decided my bunga dip would be blue+silver and his would be purple+green...tak saba rasanye nak tengok bunga dip tu siap....
P/s: Photography ada masalah skit ..will story later...dah ngantuk ni
Now..i'm one step closer to complete all checklist need to be done...like i've mentioned before i'll settle some of it during raya kan ...Alhamdulillah ..plan berjalan dengan lancar...but i'll story in details step by step once it is complete okay...yang penting I already booked Tok Kadhi punye time untuk submit borang2 yang diperlukan and also all saksi for the submission...I even pergi rumah Tok Kadhi and ask him which details i'm not sure to fill up with one by one..sangat bersabar betul Tok Kadhi tu kan ..heheee..
My HIV test done today! Macam mimpi sebab dalam sekelip mata je dah siap ...hehee ..tipu la tu kan ...what i mean it only takes about 15 mins camtu to complete....
I've done my HIV test at Klinik Kesihatan Pantai. Luckily my cousin's wife was working there and of course it is so near to my office la kan. So time raya hari tu she brought all the forms required and passed it to me. Then, I passed back to her once I came back to the office for her to arrange the appointment with doctor.
So, today is the day @ 2.30 we meet up and she straight away brought me to the clinic and do the test. Tak ramai orang pun time tu. She said her clinic only accomodate about 10 HIV test a day. Once i've done the test , she brought the form to the doctor and tadaaa!...it's done! Tak payah jumpe doktor pun. Hehee...padahal i punya la risau if tetibe doktor will do some kind of interview ke...rupa-rupanya tak payah pun. Alhamdulillah..selamat...fees?? No fees being charged.
Kami sempat pergi Nilai 3 last Friday. Mentang-mentang cuti panjang kan . Macam biasa la ..from one store to another looking for something worth to buy and seperti diidam-idamkan ..hehee...Akhirnya kami sampai kat kedai Buy 1 Free 1..
Sebenarnya, I sker white tray for my hantaran and it is so expensive. Roughly dalam RM30 each. Tak mampu guwe...but the last store i masuk they were done some kind of opening promotion. Almost semua barang-barang dalam kedai tu buy 1 free 1 including the white tray which i can get about RM20 each...yeay! A price which I agreed to pay for. Even encek tunang punye pun i beli white jugak but lain design. Cume ade skit tak sempurna like cat pada kayu or besi tray dah sedikit tertanggal ...but they are so kind to spray them back. Sebab I borong banyak kut ...about 14 tray altogether. I know i should buy 16 la kan sebab 7 balas 9 tapi i overlook that ...dah tersalah kira...adoiii...so terpaksa la cari kat KL lagi 2 tray tu and sure mahal punya la...dah rezekinya macam tu ..I terima je ...heee...Besides all those trays..i beli uncang telur, tempat bunga telur and bunga manggar yg dah siap ..tinggal nak cucuk je...
After Nilai 3, we off to Shah Alam looking for bahan-bahan untuk buat bunga dip ..name kedai tak ingat la ..tapi dia dekat ngan mydin ..my kezen memang selalu beli barang-barang untuk deko hantaran ngan dia....so its decided my bunga dip would be blue+silver and his would be purple+green...tak saba rasanye nak tengok bunga dip tu siap....
P/s: Photography ada masalah skit ..will story later...dah ngantuk ni
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Baju Nikah and His Kebenaran Bernikah done!
Two good things happen yesterday ...
Beading for my baju nikah dah siap ! love it!! thanks mak adik !!...heee and paling best the cost was so far from what i have expected ...save lagi ...Alhamdulillah ...thanks my dearie Alia ...if not because of u ..it would not become true ...
Second...he got it ! surat kebenaran bernikah from Johor ..yeay ! now its my turn to complete mine once i received the permission letter...all details dah mintak from him ..tinggal nak isi jer ...and request uncle and abg rashid to be my saksi ...this one i'll settle time raya nanti ;) ...
He told me he had to go through for an interview ...orang jabatan agama tu request him to recite doa qunut, al-fatihah and ask him rukun nikah ...nasib baik cik abang dah study awal-awal ...
Alamak ! rasenye kalo pengantin pompuan kat Selangor pun kene interview ke ? haihhh...nampaknye i need to prepare too...kene la study balik camni ...will do during my long Raya holiday ...first time dapat cuti Raya panjang since i entering dunia pekerjaan ....Alhamdulillah...
Btw, cubela tgk videography ni ---> jabbeproduction...it's rocks ..i believe u gonna like it :)
Sekejap je dah nak raye kan .....
Beading for my baju nikah dah siap ! love it!! thanks mak adik !!...heee and paling best the cost was so far from what i have expected ...save lagi ...Alhamdulillah ...thanks my dearie Alia ...if not because of u ..it would not become true ...
Second...he got it ! surat kebenaran bernikah from Johor ..yeay ! now its my turn to complete mine once i received the permission letter...all details dah mintak from him ..tinggal nak isi jer ...and request uncle and abg rashid to be my saksi ...this one i'll settle time raya nanti ;) ...
He told me he had to go through for an interview ...orang jabatan agama tu request him to recite doa qunut, al-fatihah and ask him rukun nikah ...nasib baik cik abang dah study awal-awal ...
Alamak ! rasenye kalo pengantin pompuan kat Selangor pun kene interview ke ? haihhh...nampaknye i need to prepare too...kene la study balik camni ...will do during my long Raya holiday ...first time dapat cuti Raya panjang since i entering dunia pekerjaan ....Alhamdulillah...
Btw, cubela tgk videography ni ---> jabbeproduction...it's rocks ..i believe u gonna like it :)
Sekejap je dah nak raye kan .....
Friday, August 20, 2010
Kisah Wedding Card beserta Hantaran....
Penat..sangat penat..since balik from cuti panjang hari tu ..rasenye diri ni tak berhenti occupied with works yang tak pernah siap..assignment cost analysis yg i dpt before puase aritu tak siap lagi ...tapi skang kene berusaha gigih siapkan corporate gift yang nak kene distribute by this week jugak...nasib baik ade kawan-kawan yg perihatin tgk i terkontang-kanting sorang-sorang duk siapkan corporate gift tu ..mekacih kawan-kawan ... =)
Dalam pada aku sibuk dgn tugas opis dan berharap segalanya boleh selesai sebelum aku habiskan sisa cuti 1 hari sebelum bergelar pekerja tetap TM ...cik abang duk sibuk siapkan our wedding card...and today penatku hilang bile terima email dari cik abang wedding card dah siap ..hehe..Alhamdulillah ..akhirnya ..setelah banyak bertekak and penat lelah cik abang come with a few design yg tak pernah aku setuju ...yes ...i am fussy...before balik rumah , aku print the card and lepas ni kene kasi tgk para judges a.k.a my parents...mintak-mintak ok la..dah tak larat nak pikir pasal card lagi ...kalau sume okay ..lepas ni bole la terus print ...yeay!!
Design sendiri ? Tak la...cik abang cume draw balik design yg kami randomly berkenan while browsing around Pudu hari tu ...betol kate nurul ...sangat susah untuk dpt kate sepakat kalo masing-masing punye preference lain-lain ...he said i'm holding that card in one of the picture yg kami ambil aritu...aku pon tak ingat ...since we have very strict bajet ...to come with our own softcopy of the card layout and let the printing company print for us would save us a lot...
Nak tau tak..mase kami jalan-jalan kat Pudu cari card ..kami jumpa Zahid ..sume orang terkedu ..bile Zahid dah blah baru la masing-masing duk tanya..."eh, tu Zahid kan?" ..last-last kakak promoter tu cakap... "btol la tu Zahid ...adik akak" ..haha..patut la rilek je kakak promoter ni cakap ngan Zahid ...tapi kakak ni memang best ..very friendly ...tak macam kedai-kedai lain ....tapi tak ingat name kedai tu ape...hehe...nanti kalau dah ingat... i note it here k ...
Owh ya! ..cik abang turun KL akhir bulan Julai hari tu ..he came with a surprise .. my very first rose from him ...hehe..ape lagi ...senyum lebar la aku ...tak berhenti senyum sepanjang jalan balik ke rumah ...tapi malam tu kami bertekak hanya kerana buah tangan otak-otak cik abang bawak and aku lupa beritahu dia abah dah buang tempat pembakar bbq ...so cik abang ingat plan nak bakar otak-otak dah tak jadi la...otak-otak plak byk ..cik abang takut takde tempat nak simpan ....but mama is a genius..we all bakar otak-otak guna oven ..hee...tapi gara-gara otak-otak jugak aku kelaparan malam tu ....cik abang punya merajuk sampai tak nak singgah kedai makan ..nasib baik mama masak for us malam tu ....sian mama ..sory ye mama sebab kene melayan kerenah kami yg asik bertekak je ni ...agaknya ni la dugaan mase bertunang kut ...bile time otak kami tgh waras ni ..kami pun pelik ...ape kene la ngan kami ni ...before this tak macam ni pon ...sabarkan aje la kan ....
Ingat tak list aku buat before si dia turun KL ...buat penat je buat list tu ...mase 4 hari yg kami ada cuma dihabiskan hanya untuk scouting for barang hantaran je ...yang aku punya sampai terlebih barang ..hehe..al-maklum la pompuan ....macam melepaskan gian shopping pun ada...bahayakan ...jangan jadi macam aku ..hehe..always remember..stick to your list...
Boleh kata semua Shopping Mall kami terjah ...Sunway, Bukit Bintang, Pavillion, Midvalley, Sogo, Campbell, Jalan TAR, City One ...Alhamdulillah ..pencarian kami akhirnya sempurna ...sume barang dah diserahkan pada Kak Noli untuk deko plak ..satu insiden yang aku tak boleh lupa ...mase kami survey perfume kat Jusco Midvalley ....promoter tommy hilfiger tu beriya-iya suruh cik abang beli perfume dia ...tapi cik abang lebih berkenan Polo baru tu ..aku pun lebih suka Polo tu ...sampai kami terpaksa sorok-sorok pergi counter Polo order perfume ... haha...mase kami survey kat counter Polo ..promoter Tommy tu asik jeling kami aje dgn muka tak puas hati die ...tapi aku beli perfume DKNY dgn dia ....tu pasal kene cover line..kang tak pasal-pasal dia pack aku nyer DKNY cincai je ....cover punye cover...kami kantoi jugak kat kaunter bayaran ..haha..sempat die bagi isyarat pada kami ..."rugi u tak beli Tommy" ...heheee
Sedar tak sedar ...dah 9 hari kita puasa kan ...aku masih ingat lagi ..bulan puasa lepas ...cik abang datang rumah luahkan hajat hati nak datang merisik aku ...kejap je mase berlalu ..now tinggal 2-3 bulan je lagi before our wedding ...semoga sume plan berjalan lancar ..InsyaAllah .....
Masih sempat lagi kan ...SELAMAT BERPUASA SEMUA !!!
Dalam pada aku sibuk dgn tugas opis dan berharap segalanya boleh selesai sebelum aku habiskan sisa cuti 1 hari sebelum bergelar pekerja tetap TM ...cik abang duk sibuk siapkan our wedding card...and today penatku hilang bile terima email dari cik abang wedding card dah siap ..hehe..Alhamdulillah ..akhirnya ..setelah banyak bertekak and penat lelah cik abang come with a few design yg tak pernah aku setuju ...yes ...i am fussy...before balik rumah , aku print the card and lepas ni kene kasi tgk para judges a.k.a my parents...mintak-mintak ok la..dah tak larat nak pikir pasal card lagi ...kalau sume okay ..lepas ni bole la terus print ...yeay!!
Design sendiri ? Tak la...cik abang cume draw balik design yg kami randomly berkenan while browsing around Pudu hari tu ...betol kate nurul ...sangat susah untuk dpt kate sepakat kalo masing-masing punye preference lain-lain ...he said i'm holding that card in one of the picture yg kami ambil aritu...aku pon tak ingat ...since we have very strict bajet ...to come with our own softcopy of the card layout and let the printing company print for us would save us a lot...
Nak tau tak..mase kami jalan-jalan kat Pudu cari card ..kami jumpa Zahid ..sume orang terkedu ..bile Zahid dah blah baru la masing-masing duk tanya..."eh, tu Zahid kan?" ..last-last kakak promoter tu cakap... "btol la tu Zahid ...adik akak" ..haha..patut la rilek je kakak promoter ni cakap ngan Zahid ...tapi kakak ni memang best ..very friendly ...tak macam kedai-kedai lain ....tapi tak ingat name kedai tu ape...hehe...nanti kalau dah ingat... i note it here k ...
Owh ya! ..cik abang turun KL akhir bulan Julai hari tu ..he came with a surprise .. my very first rose from him ...hehe..ape lagi ...senyum lebar la aku ...tak berhenti senyum sepanjang jalan balik ke rumah ...tapi malam tu kami bertekak hanya kerana buah tangan otak-otak cik abang bawak and aku lupa beritahu dia abah dah buang tempat pembakar bbq ...so cik abang ingat plan nak bakar otak-otak dah tak jadi la...otak-otak plak byk ..cik abang takut takde tempat nak simpan ....but mama is a genius..we all bakar otak-otak guna oven ..hee...tapi gara-gara otak-otak jugak aku kelaparan malam tu ....cik abang punya merajuk sampai tak nak singgah kedai makan ..nasib baik mama masak for us malam tu ....sian mama ..sory ye mama sebab kene melayan kerenah kami yg asik bertekak je ni ...agaknya ni la dugaan mase bertunang kut ...bile time otak kami tgh waras ni ..kami pun pelik ...ape kene la ngan kami ni ...before this tak macam ni pon ...sabarkan aje la kan ....
Ingat tak list aku buat before si dia turun KL ...buat penat je buat list tu ...mase 4 hari yg kami ada cuma dihabiskan hanya untuk scouting for barang hantaran je ...yang aku punya sampai terlebih barang ..hehe..al-maklum la pompuan ....macam melepaskan gian shopping pun ada...bahayakan ...jangan jadi macam aku ..hehe..always remember..stick to your list...
Boleh kata semua Shopping Mall kami terjah ...Sunway, Bukit Bintang, Pavillion, Midvalley, Sogo, Campbell, Jalan TAR, City One ...Alhamdulillah ..pencarian kami akhirnya sempurna ...sume barang dah diserahkan pada Kak Noli untuk deko plak ..satu insiden yang aku tak boleh lupa ...mase kami survey perfume kat Jusco Midvalley ....promoter tommy hilfiger tu beriya-iya suruh cik abang beli perfume dia ...tapi cik abang lebih berkenan Polo baru tu ..aku pun lebih suka Polo tu ...sampai kami terpaksa sorok-sorok pergi counter Polo order perfume ... haha...mase kami survey kat counter Polo ..promoter Tommy tu asik jeling kami aje dgn muka tak puas hati die ...tapi aku beli perfume DKNY dgn dia ....tu pasal kene cover line..kang tak pasal-pasal dia pack aku nyer DKNY cincai je ....cover punye cover...kami kantoi jugak kat kaunter bayaran ..haha..sempat die bagi isyarat pada kami ..."rugi u tak beli Tommy" ...heheee
Sedar tak sedar ...dah 9 hari kita puasa kan ...aku masih ingat lagi ..bulan puasa lepas ...cik abang datang rumah luahkan hajat hati nak datang merisik aku ...kejap je mase berlalu ..now tinggal 2-3 bulan je lagi before our wedding ...semoga sume plan berjalan lancar ..InsyaAllah .....
Masih sempat lagi kan ...SELAMAT BERPUASA SEMUA !!!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Treasure Notes...
Something that i have given to Alia........
" Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or
will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on.
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU...
The one who turns to his friends and says,
thats her..."
Something for me to ponder ........
" The couple that fights the most is the one most in love... it shows they care enough to notice the other one screwed up and care enough to mention it to the person so they can fix it. When you stop fighting it means you stopped caring..... "
" Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or
will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on.
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU...
The one who turns to his friends and says,
thats her..."
Something for me to ponder ........
" The couple that fights the most is the one most in love... it shows they care enough to notice the other one screwed up and care enough to mention it to the person so they can fix it. When you stop fighting it means you stopped caring..... "
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Too Many Things To Do In Such A Short Time ....
Tick ..tock..tick..tock...gosh!! lagi 4 bulan je...
Right now i'm really expecting towards end of the month ...he will come down to KL ..yeay!! But ...banyak sangat bende nak kene settlekan and banyak sangat agenda yang perlu dipenuhi...
Here goes the list ...
1. Pudu - survey kedai printing for our card ..
2. Nilai 3 - cari barang-barang to do my hantaran, langsir and doorgift bag
3. KLIA - hantar Ateh back to Makassar =(
4. Klang - for doorgift
5. Gardens & Pavillion - hantaran hunting
6. Alam Sentral - fitting baju
Hopefully sempat la kan to do everything dalam mase 4 hari....
Tick ..tock..tick..tock...
Right now i'm really expecting towards end of the month ...he will come down to KL ..yeay!! But ...banyak sangat bende nak kene settlekan and banyak sangat agenda yang perlu dipenuhi...
Here goes the list ...
1. Pudu - survey kedai printing for our card ..
2. Nilai 3 - cari barang-barang to do my hantaran, langsir and doorgift bag
3. KLIA - hantar Ateh back to Makassar =(
4. Klang - for doorgift
5. Gardens & Pavillion - hantaran hunting
6. Alam Sentral - fitting baju
Hopefully sempat la kan to do everything dalam mase 4 hari....
Tick ..tock..tick..tock...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Finding And Keeping A Life Partner...by Dov Heller
When it comes to making the decision about choosing a life partner, no one wants to make a mistake. Yet, with a divorce rate of close to 50%, it appears that many are making serious mistakes in their approach to finding Mr./Miss. Right!
If you ask most couples who are engaged why they're getting married, they'll say: 'We're in love'; I believe this is the ..1 mistake people make when they date. Choosing a life partner should never be based on love. Though this may sound 'not politically correct', there's a profound truth here.
Love is not the basis for getting married. Rather, love is the result of a good marriage. When the other ingredients are right, then the love will come. Let me say it again: 'You can't build a lifetime relationship on love alone'; You need a lot more!!! Here are five questions you must ask yourself if you're serious about finding and keeping a life partner.
QUESTION ..1: Do we share a common life purpose?
Why is this so important? Let me put it this way: If you're married for 20 or 30 years, that's a long time to live with someone. What do you plan to do with each other all that time? Travel, eat and jog together? You need to share something deeper and more meaningful. You need a common life purpose.
Two things can happen in a marriage: (1) You can grow together, or (2) you can grow apart. 50% of the people out there are growing apart. To make a marriage work, you need to know what you want out of life! Bottom line; marry someone who wants the same thing.
QUESTION ..2: Do I feel safe expressing my feelings and thoughts with this person?
This question goes to the core of the quality of your relationship. Feeling safe means you can communicate openly with this person. The basis of having good communication is trust i.e. trust that I won't get 'punished'; or hurt for expressing my honest thoughts and feelings.
If you ask most couples who are engaged why they're getting married, they'll say: 'We're in love'; I believe this is the ..1 mistake people make when they date. Choosing a life partner should never be based on love. Though this may sound 'not politically correct', there's a profound truth here.
Love is not the basis for getting married. Rather, love is the result of a good marriage. When the other ingredients are right, then the love will come. Let me say it again: 'You can't build a lifetime relationship on love alone'; You need a lot more!!! Here are five questions you must ask yourself if you're serious about finding and keeping a life partner.
QUESTION ..1: Do we share a common life purpose?
Why is this so important? Let me put it this way: If you're married for 20 or 30 years, that's a long time to live with someone. What do you plan to do with each other all that time? Travel, eat and jog together? You need to share something deeper and more meaningful. You need a common life purpose.
Two things can happen in a marriage: (1) You can grow together, or (2) you can grow apart. 50% of the people out there are growing apart. To make a marriage work, you need to know what you want out of life! Bottom line; marry someone who wants the same thing.
QUESTION ..2: Do I feel safe expressing my feelings and thoughts with this person?
This question goes to the core of the quality of your relationship. Feeling safe means you can communicate openly with this person. The basis of having good communication is trust i.e. trust that I won't get 'punished'; or hurt for expressing my honest thoughts and feelings.
A colleague of mine defines an abusive person as someone with whom you feel afraid to express your thoughts and feelings. Be honest with yourself on this one. Make sure you feel emotionally safe with the person you plan to marry.
QUESTION ..3: Is he/she a mensch?
A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person. How can you test? Here are some suggestions. Do they work on personal growth on a regular basis? Are they serious about improving themselves?
A teacher of mine defines a good person as 'someone who is always striving to be good and do the right ';. So ask about your significant other: What do they do with their time? Is this person materialistic? Usually a materialistic person is not someone whose top priority is character refinement.
There are essentially two types of people in the world: (1) People who are dedicated to personal growth and (2) people who are dedicated to seeking comfort. Someone whose goal in life is to be comfortable will put personal comfort ahead of doing the right thing. You need to know that before walking down the aisle.
QUESTION ..4: How does he/she treat other people?
The one most important thing that makes any relationship work is the ability to give. By giving, we mean the ability to give another person pleasure.
Ask: Is this someone who enjoys giving pleasure to others or are they wrapped up in themselves and self absorbed? To measure this, think about the following: How do they treat people whom they do not have to be nice to, such as waiters, bus boys, taxi drivers, etc.. How do they treat their parents and siblings? Do they have gratitude and appreciation? If they don't have gratitude for the people who have given them everything; can you do nearly as much for them? You can be sure that someone, who treats others poorly, will eventually treat you poorly as well.
QUESTION ..5: Is there anything I'm hoping to change about this person after we're married?
Too many people make the mistake of marrying someone with the intention of trying to 'improve'; them after they're married. As a colleague of mine puts it: 'You can probably expect someone to change after marriage for the worse' If you cannot fully accept this person the way they are now, then you are not ready to marry them.
In conclusion, dating doesn't have to be difficult and treacherous. The key is to try leading a little more with your head and less with your heart. It pays to be as objective as possible when you are dating; to be sure to ask questions that will help you get to the key issues.
Falling in love is a great feeling, but when you wake up with a ring on your finger, you don't want to find yourself trouble because you didn't do your homework.
Another perspective...
There are some people in your life that need to be loved from adistance.. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not going anywhere relationships. Observe the relationships around you.
Pay attention...Which ones lift and which ones lean?
Which ones encourage and which ones discourage?
Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going
When you leave certain people do you feel better or feel worse?
Which ones dont appreciate you?
Which ones make you feel good, praises you, boosts you with loving and caring words or annotations.
The more you seek quality, respect, growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you...the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the front row and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.
An African proverb states, 'Before you get married, keep both eyes open, and after you marry, close one eye'; Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, don't let lust, desperation, immaturity, ignorance, pressure from others or a low self 'esteem make you blind to warning signs. Keep your eyes open, and don't fool yourself that you can change someone or that what you see as faults aren't really that important.
Do you bring out the best in each other?
Do you compliment and compromise with each other, or do you compete,
compare and control?
What do you bring to the relationship?
Do you bring past relationships, past hurt, past mistrust, past pain?
You can't take someone to the altar to alter them. You can't make someone love you or make someone stay.
If you develop self 'esteem, spiritual discernment, and 'a life'; you won't find yourself making someone else responsible for your happiness or responsible for your pain. Seeking status, sex, and security are the wrong reasons to be in a relationship.
6. DAILY EXCHANGES (meal, shared activity, hug, call, touch, notes,etc.)
If these qualities are missing, the relationship will erode as resentment withdrawal, abuse, neglect, and dishonesty; and pain will replace.
QUESTION ..3: Is he/she a mensch?
A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person. How can you test? Here are some suggestions. Do they work on personal growth on a regular basis? Are they serious about improving themselves?
A teacher of mine defines a good person as 'someone who is always striving to be good and do the right ';. So ask about your significant other: What do they do with their time? Is this person materialistic? Usually a materialistic person is not someone whose top priority is character refinement.
There are essentially two types of people in the world: (1) People who are dedicated to personal growth and (2) people who are dedicated to seeking comfort. Someone whose goal in life is to be comfortable will put personal comfort ahead of doing the right thing. You need to know that before walking down the aisle.
QUESTION ..4: How does he/she treat other people?
The one most important thing that makes any relationship work is the ability to give. By giving, we mean the ability to give another person pleasure.
Ask: Is this someone who enjoys giving pleasure to others or are they wrapped up in themselves and self absorbed? To measure this, think about the following: How do they treat people whom they do not have to be nice to, such as waiters, bus boys, taxi drivers, etc.. How do they treat their parents and siblings? Do they have gratitude and appreciation? If they don't have gratitude for the people who have given them everything; can you do nearly as much for them? You can be sure that someone, who treats others poorly, will eventually treat you poorly as well.
QUESTION ..5: Is there anything I'm hoping to change about this person after we're married?
Too many people make the mistake of marrying someone with the intention of trying to 'improve'; them after they're married. As a colleague of mine puts it: 'You can probably expect someone to change after marriage for the worse' If you cannot fully accept this person the way they are now, then you are not ready to marry them.
In conclusion, dating doesn't have to be difficult and treacherous. The key is to try leading a little more with your head and less with your heart. It pays to be as objective as possible when you are dating; to be sure to ask questions that will help you get to the key issues.
Falling in love is a great feeling, but when you wake up with a ring on your finger, you don't want to find yourself trouble because you didn't do your homework.
Another perspective...
There are some people in your life that need to be loved from adistance.. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not going anywhere relationships. Observe the relationships around you.
Pay attention...Which ones lift and which ones lean?
Which ones encourage and which ones discourage?
Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going
When you leave certain people do you feel better or feel worse?
Which ones dont appreciate you?
Which ones make you feel good, praises you, boosts you with loving and caring words or annotations.
The more you seek quality, respect, growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you...the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the front row and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.
An African proverb states, 'Before you get married, keep both eyes open, and after you marry, close one eye'; Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, don't let lust, desperation, immaturity, ignorance, pressure from others or a low self 'esteem make you blind to warning signs. Keep your eyes open, and don't fool yourself that you can change someone or that what you see as faults aren't really that important.
Do you bring out the best in each other?
Do you compliment and compromise with each other, or do you compete,
compare and control?
What do you bring to the relationship?
Do you bring past relationships, past hurt, past mistrust, past pain?
You can't take someone to the altar to alter them. You can't make someone love you or make someone stay.
If you develop self 'esteem, spiritual discernment, and 'a life'; you won't find yourself making someone else responsible for your happiness or responsible for your pain. Seeking status, sex, and security are the wrong reasons to be in a relationship.
6. DAILY EXCHANGES (meal, shared activity, hug, call, touch, notes,etc.)
If these qualities are missing, the relationship will erode as resentment withdrawal, abuse, neglect, and dishonesty; and pain will replace.
Note ~ Zaidah shared this article with me ..and now i would like to share it with all of u ... somthing to ponder about before u make decision to get married ..
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
My Very First Trip to JB On My Own ...
Yes I am...tujuannye mahu menyempurnakan pencarian untuk belah si dia pula ... butik, canopy and baju for his family to wear ...
Misi mencari butik andaman tak la mencabar sangat ..tapi perjalanan nak sampai ke JB yg mencabar ...dah rase macam amazing race ...tp takder la race sangat sbb I stranded kat hentian Segamat .. Ya Allah ..hanya Dia je yang tau betapa resahnye hati ni selagi kaki ni tak sampai ke destinasi yang dituju ..yes ..my very first trip with keretapi Senandung Malam terhenti di Segamat and from Segamat kami diarahkan untuk naik bas pula ke Kluang ....hati ni dah tak keruan ... I should arrive at JB by 6.30 am tapi I sampai JB lebih kurang dalam kul 10 am...itupun si dia fetch me at Kluang station ..kalau tidak sure lambat lagi la I sampai kat JB tu ... badan I sangat penat sbb sepanjang perjalanan I tak leh tido even I amek coach yang ade katil ...after breakfast kat Machap I terus check in hotel ..then mandi ..then keluar balik carik butik
First we went to Butik Jendela Impian Mempelai ...he was interested to see them ..unfortunately takde jodoh ..they all sibuk pasang pelamin ..they only available on Saturday which we cant make it ...sebab I gi JB hanya untuk 2 hari ...Saturday dah balik ..lagi pun si dia shift pagi on that day ...before proceed to next butik we all singgah jap di Singgah Selalu for our lunch ...it's my family favourite spot if they went down to JB mase my sis studi kat Pasir Gudang dulu ...
Next we went to D'Pesona Bridal Boutique ... kami di sambut mesra oleh Kak Eazy (kalo tak silaplah name die ni ..hehe) ...si dia dah siap print out color palette for his side nye theme ...green like I mention before ... and I pun dah siap - siap carik baju macam mane I nak and what color ...and also contoh canopy set up that we want ...luckily it is all in one mag ...sampai - sampai je I showed her what we want for our "Bertandang" ...after few Q & A session ..it seems they can provide what we want for the day ...
baju - checked ,
pelamin - checked,
canopy - checked,
theme - checked,
make-up - checked,
tapi si dia tak terus confirm with them ..he want to think back ...lagi pun bajet ade la lari skit ...everything had extra charges as compared to the package price since we need some changes to the package a bit ...baju biasenye mase bertandang pakai songket or sumthing simple ..I plak berkenan VIP nyer baju sebab tu je suit with what we want plus majlis resepsi belah I dah pakai songket so this time I want something like lace dress to wear ...pelamin plak sebab we want them to do it bawah khemah tapi dalam package only give pelamin dalam rumah ..so dah lain price lagi ...his theme color gonna be something like this ...
Misi hari pertama di JB berakhir dengan dinner with his family ...kami singgah di Permas Jaya to tapau seafood untuk makan di rumah ...sangat kenyang plus mengantuk and badan yg sangat penat ...sampai mase berborak ngan his mother pun mate ni sangat berat rasenye nak bukak ..tapi di tahan jugak ...hehee...owhh lupe ..mase sampai di Permas Jaya I am so excited sebab the place is exactly like what I have imagine to have for our wedding photo shoot ...a wooden jetty macam kat kg. nelayan tu ...sayangnye i'm not gonna wear songket la ...kenapa la kat Klang takde tempat camni ...kalo tak sure it is a perfect picture like what I have in mind...
Misi hari kedua starts with Jakel ..misi mencari kain untuk baju his family and pengapit ... settled with green for his side and purple for my side ...yer ..baju his family for my side need to change to purple since majlis his side they gonna wear green ... change of plan already ..hehe...owhh ya ...since dress yang I pilih tu kene pakai corset which I dont prefer to wear it on my wedding ...I plan to make my own inner satin outfit to replace that corset which comes with the same tone of satin ..my dress gonna be in white lace with ivory satin ...setelah selesai urusan di Jakel we go back to D'Pesona to confirm our booking and do body measurement ...we ended the day with dinner in Hutan Bandar and jalan-jalan di Danga Bay ...heee..sangat syok ...
Even though I rase perjalanan ke JB sangat memenatkan tapi bile nampak si dia terus hilang sume penat ...hehee..it's gonna be another trip for final fitting but tobat rasenye nak naik train dah ...prefer to take a bus just like what I did when I return to KL on Saturday .... =)
So selesai another big thing ..next in line would be the doorgift ...masih mencari ape yang sesuai ...any idea ??
Misi mencari butik andaman tak la mencabar sangat ..tapi perjalanan nak sampai ke JB yg mencabar ...dah rase macam amazing race ...tp takder la race sangat sbb I stranded kat hentian Segamat .. Ya Allah ..hanya Dia je yang tau betapa resahnye hati ni selagi kaki ni tak sampai ke destinasi yang dituju ..yes ..my very first trip with keretapi Senandung Malam terhenti di Segamat and from Segamat kami diarahkan untuk naik bas pula ke Kluang ....hati ni dah tak keruan ... I should arrive at JB by 6.30 am tapi I sampai JB lebih kurang dalam kul 10 am...itupun si dia fetch me at Kluang station ..kalau tidak sure lambat lagi la I sampai kat JB tu ... badan I sangat penat sbb sepanjang perjalanan I tak leh tido even I amek coach yang ade katil ...after breakfast kat Machap I terus check in hotel ..then mandi ..then keluar balik carik butik
First we went to Butik Jendela Impian Mempelai ...he was interested to see them ..unfortunately takde jodoh ..they all sibuk pasang pelamin ..they only available on Saturday which we cant make it ...sebab I gi JB hanya untuk 2 hari ...Saturday dah balik ..lagi pun si dia shift pagi on that day ...before proceed to next butik we all singgah jap di Singgah Selalu for our lunch ...it's my family favourite spot if they went down to JB mase my sis studi kat Pasir Gudang dulu ...
Next we went to D'Pesona Bridal Boutique ... kami di sambut mesra oleh Kak Eazy (kalo tak silaplah name die ni ..hehe) ...si dia dah siap print out color palette for his side nye theme ...green like I mention before ... and I pun dah siap - siap carik baju macam mane I nak and what color ...and also contoh canopy set up that we want ...luckily it is all in one mag ...sampai - sampai je I showed her what we want for our "Bertandang" ...after few Q & A session ..it seems they can provide what we want for the day ...
baju - checked ,
pelamin - checked,
canopy - checked,
theme - checked,
make-up - checked,
tapi si dia tak terus confirm with them ..he want to think back ...lagi pun bajet ade la lari skit ...everything had extra charges as compared to the package price since we need some changes to the package a bit ...baju biasenye mase bertandang pakai songket or sumthing simple ..I plak berkenan VIP nyer baju sebab tu je suit with what we want plus majlis resepsi belah I dah pakai songket so this time I want something like lace dress to wear ...pelamin plak sebab we want them to do it bawah khemah tapi dalam package only give pelamin dalam rumah ..so dah lain price lagi ...his theme color gonna be something like this ...
Misi hari pertama di JB berakhir dengan dinner with his family ...kami singgah di Permas Jaya to tapau seafood untuk makan di rumah ...sangat kenyang plus mengantuk and badan yg sangat penat ...sampai mase berborak ngan his mother pun mate ni sangat berat rasenye nak bukak ..tapi di tahan jugak ...hehee...owhh lupe ..mase sampai di Permas Jaya I am so excited sebab the place is exactly like what I have imagine to have for our wedding photo shoot ...a wooden jetty macam kat kg. nelayan tu ...sayangnye i'm not gonna wear songket la ...kenapa la kat Klang takde tempat camni ...kalo tak sure it is a perfect picture like what I have in mind...
Misi hari kedua starts with Jakel ..misi mencari kain untuk baju his family and pengapit ... settled with green for his side and purple for my side ...yer ..baju his family for my side need to change to purple since majlis his side they gonna wear green ... change of plan already ..hehe...owhh ya ...since dress yang I pilih tu kene pakai corset which I dont prefer to wear it on my wedding ...I plan to make my own inner satin outfit to replace that corset which comes with the same tone of satin ..my dress gonna be in white lace with ivory satin ...setelah selesai urusan di Jakel we go back to D'Pesona to confirm our booking and do body measurement ...we ended the day with dinner in Hutan Bandar and jalan-jalan di Danga Bay ...heee..sangat syok ...
Even though I rase perjalanan ke JB sangat memenatkan tapi bile nampak si dia terus hilang sume penat ...hehee..it's gonna be another trip for final fitting but tobat rasenye nak naik train dah ...prefer to take a bus just like what I did when I return to KL on Saturday .... =)
So selesai another big thing ..next in line would be the doorgift ...masih mencari ape yang sesuai ...any idea ??
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Colors of L.O.V.E....
Remember my previous entry when i decided i want my wedding to be in blue ...during that time i am pretty sure that i want it to be baby blue and white to be the theme ..or maybe tiffany blue wedding ke ...but when i start to do my own pallete and try to find what color would all the loved ones should wear .. i become pening ... i feel like blue and white will look so dull ... there's nothing will make it sweet ...i cant resist pink in my mind to be penyeri for my baby blue ...even when i discuss dengan canopy owner ..dier pun cakap pink will make it better... since then i have decided its gonna be baby blue and pink ...macam ala-ala bubble gum gitu ...hehe..i'll always love to have something sweet to remember and to see during my wedding ..i think every bride to be will feel the same like i do kan .. hehe
Today, si dia ask me what color should he choose for his canopy ... he wants us to wear green and pelamin will something like cream or white ... and i have decided my famili to wear silver for his side ...so what color ..i just can't imagine what color his canopy should go for....so i ask google again and come across this picture which i think perfect to match his theme ....
So how ?? ok tak ...si dia tak bagi comment lagi ..so have to wait ....
Ehh...cerite pasal si dia punya theme color plak ...sebenarnye nak cite pasal i punye theme color ..hehe..
Okay ...tadi maser browse for green color pallete.. i have come to this color pallete which i think pretty close to what i want to have during my wedding ...
So ..I hope his family could wear light green just like the color palette above ...then it's gonna be perfect ....cant wait to see how it's gonna be ...but hoping all gonna turn out okay ...
Today, si dia ask me what color should he choose for his canopy ... he wants us to wear green and pelamin will something like cream or white ... and i have decided my famili to wear silver for his side ...so what color ..i just can't imagine what color his canopy should go for....so i ask google again and come across this picture which i think perfect to match his theme ....
So how ?? ok tak ...si dia tak bagi comment lagi ..so have to wait ....
Ehh...cerite pasal si dia punya theme color plak ...sebenarnye nak cite pasal i punye theme color ..hehe..
Okay ...tadi maser browse for green color pallete.. i have come to this color pallete which i think pretty close to what i want to have during my wedding ...
Courtesy of The Perfect Pallete
So far what i have done to make my theme come true is i have make my own color pallet for the canopy and pelamin (baby blue and pink) and distribute to the canopy vendor and tukang buat pelamin (haiihhh..bahasa pun dah macam ape dah) ...
Then ...dress for LOVED ones and pengapit pun i dah belikan ... all comes in blue but in different shades ...Alhamdulillah they love it ...and i dah announce to all my close relatives to wear blue on the day ... and they all pun dah beli kain warna biru like i wanted them to do so ...but they gonna make it as baju raya also ... so sume nye buat baju raye kaler biru la tahun ni just to grant my wish ....love them !!
So ..I hope his family could wear light green just like the color palette above ...then it's gonna be perfect ....cant wait to see how it's gonna be ...but hoping all gonna turn out okay ...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Kisah Kanopi ...
I dah booked my wedding canopy about few months ago. How do I meet them? The story goes like this…
On a beautiful Saturday morning, as usual my family and I went to Pasar Pagi di Bt. 8, Si jangkang. It is a family routine whenever I spend my weekend at my parent’s house in Teluk Panglima Garang. On my way there, I had bumped into this beautiful blue and white canopy. It’s the color that attracted me, baby blue and white just like what I have in mind. I asked my dad to stop the car. I came out from the car and started taking pictures. But I don’t think it’s good enough just to have the picture so I memberanikan diri bertanya pada tuan rumah yang baru sahaja nak menikmati sarapan pagi. Pagi-pagi lagi I dah redah rumah orang semata-mata nak bertanyakan number phone syarikat canopy tu. Rase tak percaya pun ade gak I boleh buat camtu. Hehe..so dengan muka tak malu ni terus la bertanya. Nasib baik tuan rumah tu baik hati. Sanggup pergi cari balik bil just to get the number for me.
One of the aunties asked me what I want to do with the canopy. I explain to her my intention and she was happy to hear that. Die pon recommend kat I untuk ambil je syarikat canopy tu sebab dia memang famous kat area tu. Sempat lagi bitau I , anak-anak dia kahwin sume tempah dengan syarikat canopy tu. It’s a good sign I guess. Rupa-rupanye syarikat canopy tu dekat je dengan pasar pagi yang kami nak pergi ni. So I told my dad untuk terus gi tengok and ask for quotation right after pergi pasar.
Okay ..then misi untuk mendapatkan quotation pun bermula. Nasib baik tak susah nak carik. Ade signboard besar tulis “Melor Canopy” di pintu masuk laman rumah syarikat canopy tu. Macam-macam color kain canopy tersidai di ampaian. Best ..best ..senang nak mintak color yang memang I idam-idamkan. Sebelum masuk pintu opis untuk berjumpa tuan punya canopy , I nampak ada few orang kampung duduk dekat pangkin menyiapkan center piece untuk meja-meja tetamu. All fresh flowers dan macam-macam warna ade. Sangat suka. Sampai di muka pintu, kami di sambut mesra oleh tuan punya canopy. Selesai je berbincang, my heart says it’s them to be my official canopy vendor. However, my dad a.k.a CFO masih belum beri kata putus.He wanted to discuss further and to choose what do we want to have on the wedding. On our way back, I met few houses using their canopy. Macam-macam color ade.
After few discussion and review back our budget, abah approved to hire Melor Canopy as the official vendor for my Big day. Even though mula-mula, he a bit doubt and prefer to have vendor canopy mase I tunang dulu. So lepas agree and bayar deposit, they all came to see the venue just to confirm on how many canopy should we have and how all the tables and chairs would be arrange.
Would like to see kerja tangan mereka ?? Tarraaa...
Cantik kan ?! Hee..but this not gonna be my color...
On a beautiful Saturday morning, as usual my family and I went to Pasar Pagi di Bt. 8, Si jangkang. It is a family routine whenever I spend my weekend at my parent’s house in Teluk Panglima Garang. On my way there, I had bumped into this beautiful blue and white canopy. It’s the color that attracted me, baby blue and white just like what I have in mind. I asked my dad to stop the car. I came out from the car and started taking pictures. But I don’t think it’s good enough just to have the picture so I memberanikan diri bertanya pada tuan rumah yang baru sahaja nak menikmati sarapan pagi. Pagi-pagi lagi I dah redah rumah orang semata-mata nak bertanyakan number phone syarikat canopy tu. Rase tak percaya pun ade gak I boleh buat camtu. Hehe..so dengan muka tak malu ni terus la bertanya. Nasib baik tuan rumah tu baik hati. Sanggup pergi cari balik bil just to get the number for me.
One of the aunties asked me what I want to do with the canopy. I explain to her my intention and she was happy to hear that. Die pon recommend kat I untuk ambil je syarikat canopy tu sebab dia memang famous kat area tu. Sempat lagi bitau I , anak-anak dia kahwin sume tempah dengan syarikat canopy tu. It’s a good sign I guess. Rupa-rupanye syarikat canopy tu dekat je dengan pasar pagi yang kami nak pergi ni. So I told my dad untuk terus gi tengok and ask for quotation right after pergi pasar.
Okay ..then misi untuk mendapatkan quotation pun bermula. Nasib baik tak susah nak carik. Ade signboard besar tulis “Melor Canopy” di pintu masuk laman rumah syarikat canopy tu. Macam-macam color kain canopy tersidai di ampaian. Best ..best ..senang nak mintak color yang memang I idam-idamkan. Sebelum masuk pintu opis untuk berjumpa tuan punya canopy , I nampak ada few orang kampung duduk dekat pangkin menyiapkan center piece untuk meja-meja tetamu. All fresh flowers dan macam-macam warna ade. Sangat suka. Sampai di muka pintu, kami di sambut mesra oleh tuan punya canopy. Selesai je berbincang, my heart says it’s them to be my official canopy vendor. However, my dad a.k.a CFO masih belum beri kata putus.He wanted to discuss further and to choose what do we want to have on the wedding. On our way back, I met few houses using their canopy. Macam-macam color ade.
After few discussion and review back our budget, abah approved to hire Melor Canopy as the official vendor for my Big day. Even though mula-mula, he a bit doubt and prefer to have vendor canopy mase I tunang dulu. So lepas agree and bayar deposit, they all came to see the venue just to confirm on how many canopy should we have and how all the tables and chairs would be arrange.
Would like to see kerja tangan mereka ?? Tarraaa...
Cantik kan ?! Hee..but this not gonna be my color...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
What About Food on Wedding Day....
Banyak dah I dengar orang cakap when it comes to wedding the most important thing is food. Ye lah dah kate jamuan makan untuk hari besar pengantin kan. So it is very very important to choose a good caterer. One of my friend said, orang tak kan ingat baju pengantin cantik ke tak or mekap pengantin cantik ke tak but yang orang paling akan ingat is kalau food tak cukup or food tak sedap. Paling menakutkan is kalau food tak cukup la kan. Seingat I mase I pergi buat food testing, my caterer siap boleh cakap lagi die ranking ke berape dlm soal lauk pauk tak cukup mase kenduri kahwin. But I’m glad she knew about that and I’m sure she’ll always wants to improve her service. Ye lah … mane ada orang nak bubuh pasir kat periuk nasi sendiri kan ..mase tu jugak I sempat tengok dier call pekerja dia tanye makanan cukup ke tak sbb during that day die pun ade masak untuk kenduri kahwin jugak..
I awal-awal lagi dah serahkan bab-bab makan to my parents. My mom awal-awal dah bitau nak hire caterer instead of masak sendiri during my Big day. She said she only wants to pakai cantik-cantik and waiting for the guest. Ok la mama … your wish being granted. Then, my parent handover the responsibility to choose the caterer to my Mak Lang. Mak Lang I pun dah biase bab masak-masak untuk kenduri ni plus dia pun dah lama duduk di Klang so selalu la jugak risik-risik mane caterer yang best kan. Oh ya!…Mak Lang I jugak yang masak kan mase I tunang dulu …cooking die mmg superb!! Hehe..tetibe dah rase risau kalau tak dapat rase makanan yg dihidang mase kenduri saye nanti …boleh tak ?? ;)
Since my nikah and resepsi will be on a different day so we need to think how we gonna serve the food for that 2 days. My mom and Mak Lang had agreed to cook on my nikah day and hire caterer for my resepsi.
So who is my chosen caterer ??
It would be Saleha Catering from Kg. Delek, Klang . It just nearby my Mak Lang’s and grandmother’s house. Mak Lang cakap caterer ni memang famous ngan cooking dia kat area Klang ni. However, we decided to have food testing first before making any decision plus I need to know what they have to offer. Then, I make appointment with her.
We agreed to meet on Saturday and lucky me that day die ade kenduri kahwin which she’s in charge on the catering so we can have our food testing. Caterer ni baik, siap jemput kami lagi untuk sampai rumah dia. Agaknya dia risau takut I tak jumpa jalan sebab I beritahu dia I orang KL. Hehe. Tapi kira ok la…at least tak la sesat kan. Kami disambut baik. Sesampai je kami kat umah dia, terus dia hidang makanan yang bermacam-macam. Sangat best okay!! Semua food yang dia masak untuk kenduri kahwin hari tu dia hidang untuk kami. I just couldn’t stop eating sampai kene sound ngan my mom. Hehe. Sambil makan sambil borak. Rupa-rupanya, Mak Lang and Mama satu sekolah dengan dia. Manakan tidak, dah kata duduk daerah yang sama cuma kampung je lain-lain kan. Selesai makan, we discuss with her about food for the wedding. Banyak gila soalan duk tanya sampai la ke issue if makanan tak cukup. Before we leave, we reserved her as our caterer for the Big day. I masih ingat lagi pesan dia. First, make sure betul-betul jumlah tetamu mase hari tu nanti sebab memang ada issue orang order amount lain and jemput amount lain. So there it shows how important guest list is. Second, please make sure how many kenduri kahwin around your area, sebab kalau banyak kenduri time tu orang yang datang pun sure dah tak makan banyak so nanti membazir. So kene pandai bajet. So my caterer is booked after a few discussions within my parents and Mak Lang. But the menu we haven’t decided yet sebab lama lagi kan.
Besides catering for resepsi, my family also think about additional food as a backup plan takut-takut food tak cukup kan. They have booked satay on my nikah day and still survey on those kuih-kuih or kerepek yang boleh letak atas meja and people can munch while waiting.
I awal-awal lagi dah serahkan bab-bab makan to my parents. My mom awal-awal dah bitau nak hire caterer instead of masak sendiri during my Big day. She said she only wants to pakai cantik-cantik and waiting for the guest. Ok la mama … your wish being granted. Then, my parent handover the responsibility to choose the caterer to my Mak Lang. Mak Lang I pun dah biase bab masak-masak untuk kenduri ni plus dia pun dah lama duduk di Klang so selalu la jugak risik-risik mane caterer yang best kan. Oh ya!…Mak Lang I jugak yang masak kan mase I tunang dulu …cooking die mmg superb!! Hehe..tetibe dah rase risau kalau tak dapat rase makanan yg dihidang mase kenduri saye nanti …boleh tak ?? ;)
Since my nikah and resepsi will be on a different day so we need to think how we gonna serve the food for that 2 days. My mom and Mak Lang had agreed to cook on my nikah day and hire caterer for my resepsi.
So who is my chosen caterer ??
It would be Saleha Catering from Kg. Delek, Klang . It just nearby my Mak Lang’s and grandmother’s house. Mak Lang cakap caterer ni memang famous ngan cooking dia kat area Klang ni. However, we decided to have food testing first before making any decision plus I need to know what they have to offer. Then, I make appointment with her.
We agreed to meet on Saturday and lucky me that day die ade kenduri kahwin which she’s in charge on the catering so we can have our food testing. Caterer ni baik, siap jemput kami lagi untuk sampai rumah dia. Agaknya dia risau takut I tak jumpa jalan sebab I beritahu dia I orang KL. Hehe. Tapi kira ok la…at least tak la sesat kan. Kami disambut baik. Sesampai je kami kat umah dia, terus dia hidang makanan yang bermacam-macam. Sangat best okay!! Semua food yang dia masak untuk kenduri kahwin hari tu dia hidang untuk kami. I just couldn’t stop eating sampai kene sound ngan my mom. Hehe. Sambil makan sambil borak. Rupa-rupanya, Mak Lang and Mama satu sekolah dengan dia. Manakan tidak, dah kata duduk daerah yang sama cuma kampung je lain-lain kan. Selesai makan, we discuss with her about food for the wedding. Banyak gila soalan duk tanya sampai la ke issue if makanan tak cukup. Before we leave, we reserved her as our caterer for the Big day. I masih ingat lagi pesan dia. First, make sure betul-betul jumlah tetamu mase hari tu nanti sebab memang ada issue orang order amount lain and jemput amount lain. So there it shows how important guest list is. Second, please make sure how many kenduri kahwin around your area, sebab kalau banyak kenduri time tu orang yang datang pun sure dah tak makan banyak so nanti membazir. So kene pandai bajet. So my caterer is booked after a few discussions within my parents and Mak Lang. But the menu we haven’t decided yet sebab lama lagi kan.
Besides catering for resepsi, my family also think about additional food as a backup plan takut-takut food tak cukup kan. They have booked satay on my nikah day and still survey on those kuih-kuih or kerepek yang boleh letak atas meja and people can munch while waiting.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
In The Mood of Love Songs...
Inspired by spreadmyhappiness again .. hehee...
Today jari-jemariku pantas menaip list of wedding songs di kotak carian google (haha..skema kan! ) ..to see what i can find...result kebanyakannye lagu-lagu omputih jer ... tak pernah jumpe lagi a set of wedding song having the combination of malay, english and indonesian love songs ... during my search ..tarraaa..eh eh ...shania twain la ..one of my all time favourite singer ... beautiful lady with a beautiful voice ... langsung teringat to one of my favorite of her video clip from Notting Hill soundtrack ... ohh ..loveee it so much ...i can keep watching it again and again ....long time ago mase zaman belaja kat uni dulu ...bile tengok jer video clip tu i always berangan to be in a beautiful garden camtu and be beautiful like her ...the color combination is so refreshing and cheerful ...ape-ape pun sangat cantik okay! ...sile la tengok di youtube ...
asik membebel je ..name lagu tak bagi lagi kan ..hehe...
here we go ....
You've got a way with me
Somehow you got me to believe
In everything that I could be
I've gotta say... you really got a way
You've got a way it seems
You gave me faith to find my dreams
You'll never know just what that means
Can't you see... you got a way with me
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love
You've got a way with words
You get me smiling even when it hurts
There's no way to measure what your love is worth
I can't believe the way you get through to me
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love
Oh, how I adore you
Like no one before you
I love you just the way you are
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love
It's just the way you are
Somehow you got me to believe
In everything that I could be
I've gotta say... you really got a way
You've got a way it seems
You gave me faith to find my dreams
You'll never know just what that means
Can't you see... you got a way with me
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love
You've got a way with words
You get me smiling even when it hurts
There's no way to measure what your love is worth
I can't believe the way you get through to me
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love
Oh, how I adore you
Like no one before you
I love you just the way you are
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love
It's just the way you are
...hee..present lirik je la ye ...ohh...ade lagi satu lagu that i really really really fall in love with the music arrangement ...bile dengar rase mcm terawang-awang gitu ...lagu ni is part of my kenangan masa silam ...and i'm bet most of u have really known this song ..tapi nak share kat sini jugak so it wont lost from the memory lane coz it really really beautiful song ...so let's treasure it by sharing with you guys kan ....
presenting .....
Dealova by Dewa
Aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah, dalam tidurmu
Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu, yang mungkin bisa kau rindu
Karena, langkah merapuh, tanpa dirimu
Oh karena, hati t'lah letih
Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu, yang s'lalu bisa kau sentuh
Aku ingin kau tahu bahwa ku, selalu memujamu
Tanpamu, sepinya waktu, merantai hati
Oh bayangmu, seakan-akan
Kau seperti nyanyian dalam hatiku
yang memanggil, rinduku, padamu ...oooo
seperti udara yang ku hela kau selalu ada ...
Hanya dirimu yang bisa, membuatku tenang
Tanpa dirimu aku me-rasa, hilang
dan sepi, dan sepi
Selalu ada, kau selalu ada
Selalu ada, kau selalu ada
Sya.. lalala...lalalala
...lena tidur bile dengar lagu-lagu ni kan ...enjoy !!
Note ~ Love, miss u so much!!
Aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah, dalam tidurmu
Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu, yang mungkin bisa kau rindu
Karena, langkah merapuh, tanpa dirimu
Oh karena, hati t'lah letih
Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu, yang s'lalu bisa kau sentuh
Aku ingin kau tahu bahwa ku, selalu memujamu
Tanpamu, sepinya waktu, merantai hati
Oh bayangmu, seakan-akan
Kau seperti nyanyian dalam hatiku
yang memanggil, rinduku, padamu ...oooo
seperti udara yang ku hela kau selalu ada ...
Hanya dirimu yang bisa, membuatku tenang
Tanpa dirimu aku me-rasa, hilang
dan sepi, dan sepi
Selalu ada, kau selalu ada
Selalu ada, kau selalu ada
Sya.. lalala...lalalala
...lena tidur bile dengar lagu-lagu ni kan ...enjoy !!
Note ~ Love, miss u so much!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
My Bridal Boutique Hunting ....
I start my boutique hunting after he had confirm our solemnization date...and for the very first time he stayed overnight at my famili house due to my mom request ...she said she wants to know him dgn lebih rapat ...I still remembered the moment my dad told me about my mom special request I am so surprise ..rase pelik pun ade...when I told him die pun ade rase reluctant ngan my mom punye request ..sometimes I think my mom ni so unpredictable ...but everything turns out well...seronok tengok my dad and dia berborak rancak ...ade juga teman my dad untuk borak... tak boleh lupa bile I masak bihun goreng masin for our breakfast...tapi dia and my sisters tetap makan sampai licin ...
Ingat tak ..in my previous entry I want my wedding to be in baby blue...so I ingat I nak pakai baby blue songket on my wedding day nanti ...with that in my mind my famili, dia and I start our mission around Shah Alam area...PKNS Shah Alam, Alam Sentral and SACC Mall...these places were very popular with it's wedding boutique ...that's what I know from Majalah Pengantin yang lately menjadi Majalah wajib beli bulan-bulan..
From one boutique to another ... I still couldn't find any ready made baby blue songket...most of them said if I really want to have that songket they can do it for me but I have to pay extra cost for that ....not really my favor to do so ..plus it's hard to find the kind of pelamin that I want ...most boutique offering package with old design pelamin ...my mom pun tak berape suka sangat ...so we just look around and get quotation first ...before we make our move to SACC mall...I saw this one small but exclusive boutique ...takut jugak nak masuk tanya sbb mesti price dier mahal ...bile masuk je boutique tu my famili like so excited tengok a dress in a grey tone and silver beading ...sangat cantik okay ...baju-baju die sangat cantik ...but I stick with my plan nak pakai baby blue songket so I ask the SA...they dont have ..kecewa lagi ...then she showed me the promotion package they have ...and I ask her what kind of pelamin dier offer ...lepas je she showed me I dah rase excited ..it's the kind that I want ...she said it is a new design and it comes with a fresh flower ...then I tanye die warna songket yang die ade ....then she showed me this white kebaya songket bunga tabur with lace ...sangat cantik okay ..she told me its new ..baru je siap ..baju lelaki pon tak siap lagi ....so if I take this promotion package i'll get new pelamin design comes with fresh flowers + new baju songket + mekap + fresh flower hand bouquet...so tempting ...but I let her know that I need a gurl to do my make-up then she said if I want then I have to book early sbb mekap artis pompuan tak ramai ....adusshhh kene balik pikir ni ...and revise my bajet back ...dah lari sangat ni if I want to book them sbb my mom want me to have salin-salin baju traditional la plak ....which I need to pay extra more sbb package yang die offer pun dah memang cukup-cukup my bajet ....
I dah rase malas nak jalan-jalan tgk boutique lagi...but my famili said they want to check SACC mall plak ....mane la tau kat situ ade boutique yang lagi best ke kan ...but we take a rest first and had our meal kat Kuew Teow Doli ...sedap !! ..kalo you all singgah kat Alam Sentral jangan lupe singgah ye ..they have gelas bapak also ...hee
Balik je rumah I terus tengok my bajet and draft option that I have with all boutique yang menjadi pilihan ...memang terlebih bajet ...so I seek approval from my CFO a.k.a my dad ..yeay!! lepas...so now I confirm nak amek:-
1. 3 baju persalinan - Masella Collection (they have baju persalinan yang cantik and cater for gurl bertudung like me)
2. Resepsi - Wazira Collection (New baju songket putih bunga tabur + New pelamin with fresh flower + Mekap + Fresh flower hand bouquet)
Then the next Monday I pergi lagi Alam Sentral and booked. Alhamdulillah legaa....next big thing catering and canopy .....
Ingat tak ..in my previous entry I want my wedding to be in baby blue...so I ingat I nak pakai baby blue songket on my wedding day nanti ...with that in my mind my famili, dia and I start our mission around Shah Alam area...PKNS Shah Alam, Alam Sentral and SACC Mall...these places were very popular with it's wedding boutique ...that's what I know from Majalah Pengantin yang lately menjadi Majalah wajib beli bulan-bulan..
From one boutique to another ... I still couldn't find any ready made baby blue songket...most of them said if I really want to have that songket they can do it for me but I have to pay extra cost for that ....not really my favor to do so ..plus it's hard to find the kind of pelamin that I want ...most boutique offering package with old design pelamin ...my mom pun tak berape suka sangat ...so we just look around and get quotation first ...before we make our move to SACC mall...I saw this one small but exclusive boutique ...takut jugak nak masuk tanya sbb mesti price dier mahal ...bile masuk je boutique tu my famili like so excited tengok a dress in a grey tone and silver beading ...sangat cantik okay ...baju-baju die sangat cantik ...but I stick with my plan nak pakai baby blue songket so I ask the SA...they dont have ..kecewa lagi ...then she showed me the promotion package they have ...and I ask her what kind of pelamin dier offer ...lepas je she showed me I dah rase excited ..it's the kind that I want ...she said it is a new design and it comes with a fresh flower ...then I tanye die warna songket yang die ade ....then she showed me this white kebaya songket bunga tabur with lace ...sangat cantik okay ..she told me its new ..baru je siap ..baju lelaki pon tak siap lagi ....so if I take this promotion package i'll get new pelamin design comes with fresh flowers + new baju songket + mekap + fresh flower hand bouquet...so tempting ...but I let her know that I need a gurl to do my make-up then she said if I want then I have to book early sbb mekap artis pompuan tak ramai ....adusshhh kene balik pikir ni ...and revise my bajet back ...dah lari sangat ni if I want to book them sbb my mom want me to have salin-salin baju traditional la plak ....which I need to pay extra more sbb package yang die offer pun dah memang cukup-cukup my bajet ....
I dah rase malas nak jalan-jalan tgk boutique lagi...but my famili said they want to check SACC mall plak ....mane la tau kat situ ade boutique yang lagi best ke kan ...but we take a rest first and had our meal kat Kuew Teow Doli ...sedap !! ..kalo you all singgah kat Alam Sentral jangan lupe singgah ye ..they have gelas bapak also ...hee
Balik je rumah I terus tengok my bajet and draft option that I have with all boutique yang menjadi pilihan ...memang terlebih bajet ...so I seek approval from my CFO a.k.a my dad ..yeay!! lepas...so now I confirm nak amek:-
1. 3 baju persalinan - Masella Collection (they have baju persalinan yang cantik and cater for gurl bertudung like me)
2. Resepsi - Wazira Collection (New baju songket putih bunga tabur + New pelamin with fresh flower + Mekap + Fresh flower hand bouquet)
Then the next Monday I pergi lagi Alam Sentral and booked. Alhamdulillah legaa....next big thing catering and canopy .....
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Moment I Want to Say Something .....
So many things to update actually since my preparation for the wedding still progressing ...I just dont have the time and dont know where to start ..pening ...as you can see from the checklist banyak yg dah siap kan ...hehee...padahal wedding ticker says I still have about 7 months to go ...masih banyak waktu I guess..consider banyak bende dah siap coz all the major thing dah booked so far ...left only the small things which has to be done one step at a time along the way ....luckily i booked now all the pelamin, baju, and mekap artis sbb by the time I nak book seems ramai jugak bride to be yang hari langsungnye at the end of the year dah datang booked...everytime I come to their boutique first thing they ask was when ..haha...ye la kalo bulan 6 baru now nak book memang la they all reject ....full house sumenye ...
owhh yaa ..new things on the blog is my wedding ticker ....just to keep me alert on how much time left for me to prepare for the wedding ..resource: miss Nurul from Spread My Happiness ..sape lagi la tempat saye nak jadikan rujukan if it is not her .....and macam pelik bride to be blog without wedding ticker
I received good news from si dia ..he just found a perfect new home for us to stay after we get married nanti ..I am so surprise and so please when he told me that ...and tak pernah terbayangkan that we gonna have our own house this early InsyaAllah...coz right now he's been looking for the best banker for us to commit with .....if we manage to buy the house then i need to remind myself that i cannot indulge myself secara membuta tuli sebab financially sangat stress sekarang ...with the wedding and new house plus long distance relationship which involve you with a lot of expenses ....and i do know that newly weds have to go through this tough period ....and may He always with us to walk through the journey as husband and wife with patience and love .....
owhh yaa ..new things on the blog is my wedding ticker ....just to keep me alert on how much time left for me to prepare for the wedding ..resource: miss Nurul from Spread My Happiness ..sape lagi la tempat saye nak jadikan rujukan if it is not her .....and macam pelik bride to be blog without wedding ticker
I received good news from si dia ..he just found a perfect new home for us to stay after we get married nanti ..I am so surprise and so please when he told me that ...and tak pernah terbayangkan that we gonna have our own house this early InsyaAllah...coz right now he's been looking for the best banker for us to commit with .....if we manage to buy the house then i need to remind myself that i cannot indulge myself secara membuta tuli sebab financially sangat stress sekarang ...with the wedding and new house plus long distance relationship which involve you with a lot of expenses ....and i do know that newly weds have to go through this tough period ....and may He always with us to walk through the journey as husband and wife with patience and love .....
Monday, April 5, 2010
Hand Bouquet Dilemma ...
Okay .. I want a hand bouquet for my Nikah nanti ..but dunno yet whether want to ask florist to do it for me or do on my own ..still serving my observation ...kalo buat sendiri jimat cost kan ...right now sedang mencari cara-cara untuk buat hand bouquet sendiri and I come across these two article which I think very useful for me and I hope for you also readers ....
Point taken from weddingdecor steps:
....for me to understand better the instructions I come across this video "How To Make Hand-Tied Bridal Bouquet" kat http://www.ehow.com/ ...tapi kat website ni ade banyak DIY stuff if you explore more ..which I thinks it is all really good stuff ....
Now I'm in dilemma ..should I go for the common rosses or gerber daisy which is my favourite flower ...aduishhh ...mane yang cantik yer ...some example on both bile tanye same google ...

Point taken from weddingdecor steps:
- Make simple hand-tied bouquet is the easiest design
- Practice first with artificial flowers - maybe boleh cuba guna bunga lebihan mase buat hantaran tunang dulu
- Best to stick to one type of flower so the stem will be at the same length and no actual flower arranging skills necessary - memang sesuai la for me yang tak pernah buat hand bouquet ni kan ...kalo tidak mesti terkebil-kebil nak arrange flower camner..hehe
- Small bouquet for the more petite bride will require approximately 25-30 stems - haaa...akulah tu ..heee
- Use ribbon which is 3x length of the stem
....for me to understand better the instructions I come across this video "How To Make Hand-Tied Bridal Bouquet" kat http://www.ehow.com/ ...tapi kat website ni ade banyak DIY stuff if you explore more ..which I thinks it is all really good stuff ....
Now I'm in dilemma ..should I go for the common rosses or gerber daisy which is my favourite flower ...aduishhh ...mane yang cantik yer ...some example on both bile tanye same google ...
Beautiful Daisies
Sweet ...
for bright color ...

......hot pink
...for soft pastel colors ...saye memang suke pastel !!...
...for colorful effect ...cantik kan ....
Beautiful Roses
..fuschia pink i think so ...
...a combination of pink , yellow and cream....
...and how about the combination of both ...
..i heart this ...
....another example but this time rose + gerber daisy + calla lilies ...
...sangat cantik ...
...for a combination of soft purple pink...
I think u might have guess what color I want right ...hehe...pink to match with my baby blue nikah outfit ...
Note: All pictures displayed are courtesy from Google Images
Thursday, April 1, 2010
When I Decided It's Gonna Be Baby Blue ...
Here goes my googling and look what I have found ...

The Bedroom

surprisingly came across this malay wedding in baby blue but i prefer to wear songket during my reception coz i want it to be classic and have a traditional touch
the combination of baby blue and yellow look so sweet kan ?
another option of having blue theme for my wedding ..tiffany blue and white ..i love this color combination ..
another example of tiffany blue combination
...sangat cantik okay ...i mean the color ..of course i'm not gonna wear the dress....
...an idea for my wedding favor ...mane la nak dapat kipas with this kind of color ...any idea ?
...since my mother want to make it back to basic like malay wedding dulu-dulu giving an egg as wedding favor maybe this kind of box would be perfect kan ..tapi muat ke ?
and here it goes for the VIP wedding favor paper bag ...cantik ...mane nak carik ye ?
...blue wedding card ...
last but not least the table set up ..goshhh it's gonna be perfect !!
my wedding in Baby Blue ...
Note: all images posted is from google images
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hello readers..sumthing good to share with u ...for us to be thankful on what we have ....
Jika kamu memancing ikan……
Setelah ikan itu terlekat di mata kail…… Hendaklah kamu mengambil ikan itu……
Janganlah sesekali kamu LEPASKAN ia semula kedalam air begitu sahaja…….
Kerana ia akan SAKIT oleh kerana bisanya……
Ketajaman mata kail kamu & mungkin ia akan MENDERITA selagi ia masih hidup……
Begitulah juga……
Setelah kamu memberi banyak PENGHARAPAN kepada seseorang ……
Setelah ia mulai MENYAYANGI kamu……
Hendaklah kamu MENJAGA hatinya……
Janganlah sesekali kamu terus MENINGGALKANNYA begitu saja……
Kerana dia akan TERLUKA oleh kenangan bersamamu……
dan mungkin TIDAK dapat MELUPAKAN segalanya selagi dia masih mengingati kamu……
Jika kamu MENADAH air biarlah berpada……
Jangan terlalu berharap pada takungannya dan menganggap ia begitu teguh……
Cukuplah sekadar untuk KEPERLUANMU sahaja……
Kerana apabila ia mulai RETAK ….tidak sukar untuk kamu menampal dan memperbaikinya semula…… Dan bukannya terus dibuang begitu sahaja……
Begitulah juga……
Jika kamu sedang memiliki seseorang…. TERIMALAH dia seadanya……
Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan mengganggapkan dia begitu istimewa…… Anggaplah dia manusia biasa……
Kerana apabila dia melakukan KESILAPAN …. tidaklah sukar untuk kamu MEMAAFKANNYA dan MEMBOLEHKAN hubungan kamu akan TERUS hingga ke akhir hayat
Dan bukannya MENGHUKUMNYA dan MENINGGALKAN dia begitu sahaja kerana kamu merasa terlalu kecewa dengan sikapnya
Lalu semuanya akan menjadi TERHENTI begitu sahaja……
Jika kamu MEMILIKI sepinggan nasi……
Yang kamu pasti baik untuk diri kamu……
Mengapa kamu berlengah lagi? Cuba mencari makanan yang lain…… Kerana terlalu ingin mengejar KELAZATAN ……
Kelak, nasi itu akan BASI sendiri dan kamu sudah tidak boleh menikmatinya lagi……
Kamu akan MENYESAL ……
Begitulah juga……
Jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang INSAN …… Yang kamu pasti boleh membawa KEBAIKAN kepada dirimu…… MENYAYANGIMU …. MENGASIHIMU ….dan MENCINTAIMU ….
Mengapa kamu berlengah lagi?
Cuba MEMBANDINGKANNYA dengan yang lain……
Terlalu mengejar KESEMPURNAAN ……
Kelak, dia akan BERJAUH HATI dan kamu akan KEHILANGANNYA apabila dia menjadi milik orang lain……
Kamu juga yg akan MENYESAL dan tidak ada gunanya lagi……
Oleh itu janganlah kita terlalu mengejar KESEMPURNAAN kerana ia bukanlah faktor utama KEBAHAGIAAN yang sempurna, sedangkan jika kita boleh m ema afkan KESILAPAN orang yang kita sayang dan akur dengan KELEMAHANNYA sebagai manusia biasa serta BERSYUKUR dengan apa yang kita sudah MILIKI …kita akan BAHAGIA, BAHAGIA dan terus BAHAGIA …itu lebih BERMAKNA !
“Begitu hidup ini tiada yang abadi yg patah Kan tumbuh yang hilang Kan berganti, namun yang berganti tidak mungkin sama seperti yang hilang”
Jika kamu memancing ikan……
Setelah ikan itu terlekat di mata kail…… Hendaklah kamu mengambil ikan itu……
Janganlah sesekali kamu LEPASKAN ia semula kedalam air begitu sahaja…….
Kerana ia akan SAKIT oleh kerana bisanya……
Ketajaman mata kail kamu & mungkin ia akan MENDERITA selagi ia masih hidup……
Begitulah juga……
Setelah kamu memberi banyak PENGHARAPAN kepada seseorang ……
Setelah ia mulai MENYAYANGI kamu……
Hendaklah kamu MENJAGA hatinya……
Janganlah sesekali kamu terus MENINGGALKANNYA begitu saja……
Kerana dia akan TERLUKA oleh kenangan bersamamu……
dan mungkin TIDAK dapat MELUPAKAN segalanya selagi dia masih mengingati kamu……
Jika kamu MENADAH air biarlah berpada……
Jangan terlalu berharap pada takungannya dan menganggap ia begitu teguh……
Cukuplah sekadar untuk KEPERLUANMU sahaja……
Kerana apabila ia mulai RETAK ….tidak sukar untuk kamu menampal dan memperbaikinya semula…… Dan bukannya terus dibuang begitu sahaja……
Begitulah juga……
Jika kamu sedang memiliki seseorang…. TERIMALAH dia seadanya……
Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan mengganggapkan dia begitu istimewa…… Anggaplah dia manusia biasa……
Kerana apabila dia melakukan KESILAPAN …. tidaklah sukar untuk kamu MEMAAFKANNYA dan MEMBOLEHKAN hubungan kamu akan TERUS hingga ke akhir hayat
Dan bukannya MENGHUKUMNYA dan MENINGGALKAN dia begitu sahaja kerana kamu merasa terlalu kecewa dengan sikapnya
Lalu semuanya akan menjadi TERHENTI begitu sahaja……
Jika kamu MEMILIKI sepinggan nasi……
Yang kamu pasti baik untuk diri kamu……
Mengapa kamu berlengah lagi? Cuba mencari makanan yang lain…… Kerana terlalu ingin mengejar KELAZATAN ……
Kelak, nasi itu akan BASI sendiri dan kamu sudah tidak boleh menikmatinya lagi……
Kamu akan MENYESAL ……
Begitulah juga……
Jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang INSAN …… Yang kamu pasti boleh membawa KEBAIKAN kepada dirimu…… MENYAYANGIMU …. MENGASIHIMU ….dan MENCINTAIMU ….
Mengapa kamu berlengah lagi?
Cuba MEMBANDINGKANNYA dengan yang lain……
Terlalu mengejar KESEMPURNAAN ……
Kelak, dia akan BERJAUH HATI dan kamu akan KEHILANGANNYA apabila dia menjadi milik orang lain……
Kamu juga yg akan MENYESAL dan tidak ada gunanya lagi……
Oleh itu janganlah kita terlalu mengejar KESEMPURNAAN kerana ia bukanlah faktor utama KEBAHAGIAAN yang sempurna, sedangkan jika kita boleh m ema afkan KESILAPAN orang yang kita sayang dan akur dengan KELEMAHANNYA sebagai manusia biasa serta BERSYUKUR dengan apa yang kita sudah MILIKI …kita akan BAHAGIA, BAHAGIA dan terus BAHAGIA …itu lebih BERMAKNA !
“Begitu hidup ini tiada yang abadi yg patah Kan tumbuh yang hilang Kan berganti, namun yang berganti tidak mungkin sama seperti yang hilang”
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Put On a Bride Mode ....
Some of bride's preparation for the big day in the list :-
1. Mandi susu with Biotherm Lait Corporel Body Milk 6 months before
2. No makanan berlemak + berkarbohidrat tinggi
3. Control food intake with protein diet 2 months before.
4. Pay a visit to dentist.
5. Put on lip balm before you go to bed.
6. Reduce your coffee intake.
7. Do sit up
8. Search for a good MUA.
9.Go for SPA
10. Drink a lot of plain water at least 2 litre a day
11. Drink warm water with lemon juice after you wake up early morning.
12. Use loofah or sponge during shower
13. Apply lotion after shower
14. Use minyak zaitun for your shiny healthy hair
15. Do fast walk everyday
16. Have enough sleep
17. St. Ives for eyes
18. Eat carrot / papaya everyday
19. Put on masker once / twice a week
Woww.. banyaknye. These are some tips I've found while reading magazine about bride preparation. I just take it whichever I think I can do and stick to it. Tapi macam susah la jugak nak buatkan. Never mind...will try to practice as best I can do... Chaiyokkk!!
1. Mandi susu with Biotherm Lait Corporel Body Milk 6 months before
2. No makanan berlemak + berkarbohidrat tinggi
3. Control food intake with protein diet 2 months before.
4. Pay a visit to dentist.
5. Put on lip balm before you go to bed.
6. Reduce your coffee intake.
7. Do sit up
8. Search for a good MUA.
9.Go for SPA
10. Drink a lot of plain water at least 2 litre a day
11. Drink warm water with lemon juice after you wake up early morning.
12. Use loofah or sponge during shower
13. Apply lotion after shower
14. Use minyak zaitun for your shiny healthy hair
15. Do fast walk everyday
16. Have enough sleep
17. St. Ives for eyes
18. Eat carrot / papaya everyday
19. Put on masker once / twice a week
Woww.. banyaknye. These are some tips I've found while reading magazine about bride preparation. I just take it whichever I think I can do and stick to it. Tapi macam susah la jugak nak buatkan. Never mind...will try to practice as best I can do... Chaiyokkk!!
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